Author Topic: Naboo Fighter WIP  (Read 13105 times)

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Offline swashmebuckle

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Well I certainly don't think that the ship doesn't fit in with its role as a ceremonial escort for royalty/senators or a flight demonstration squadron's ride, it's just that the Naboo are only supposed to have a couple squadrons of them (I think) to begin with, and being limited to a handful of fighters owned by a single operator sort of kills their utility as far as the game is concerned, especially since most of the other ships in the mod are from an era well past the N-1's heyday.

On the other hand, I think it's not unreasonable to say that perhaps, during the clone wars, Naboo helped to do its part as a loyal member of the Republic by ramping up production at the N-1 facility, making an interceptor that had been proven in combat against the droid armies (uhg) available for the war effort.  These ships would have no reason to be painted in the parade ground colors, and when the new order came around they could have found their way through military surplus auction or the scrap heap into any number of security forces, merc units, pirate bands, rebel groups etc.  That would make for a cool ship that is recognizably SW, doesn't contrast so starkly with Galactic Civil War ships, and could be useful for original campaigns in any number of scenarios and locations. 

Of course, the original color scheme could still be available for actual Nubian missions or something where the player flies one out of a museum BSG style to go fight Thrawn :nervous:


Offline eps200

  • 24
Flying one out of a museum i like

Or maybee naboo still use them alowing them to be involved in a mission based there
(yeah my literacy is **** please just ignore my posts if it bothers you)

I bet naboo still has a ceremonial squadron during the empire.
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!


Offline eps200

  • 24
Maybee even after the empire why fix what isnt broken just upgrade some parts they arn't exactly front line fighters at most they are intended to fight off pirates.
(yeah my literacy is **** please just ignore my posts if it bothers you)


Offline rhettro

  • 27

Just a minor update and a few questions.  I've been able to convert my Rhino NURBS model to a Blender poly one.  My intent is to export a Collada model from Blender.  I've been reading about sub-objects, level of detail models, etc. and that all makes sense.  However, I'm still a little clueless about naming conventions and hierarchy in my model.  Do I need to name each piece according to a standard like "Hull-01" "Engine-01" etc?  It's not spelled out very clearly in the Wiki.  Also, as far as hierarchy goes, is this set up via the aforementioned naming convention, or is this a parent/child relationship I need to set up in my modeling program prior to export?  Thank you for your help.


Offline chief1983

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The main object (and that looks like a one-object ship) should be named detail0.  You include separate objects in the file for other LODs (detail1, etc).  But that fighter should have a very simple heirarchy.  Look on the Wiki for Blender to POF conversion, there's a Collada-oriented article available for Blender users.  Not sure if that's what you were reading or not.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Topgun

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Do you mind sending me the file? I have a strong feeling the model might not work for freespace as-is.


Offline rhettro

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Thanks for your response chief.  Yes I plan on doing the Blender to Collada to POF via the Collada importer.  I'm in the process of learning enough about Blender to create models that are FreeSpace ready. I'm still quite the Blender nOOb. When you say "object" does that mean the model needs to have all of it's polys joined into a single object, or can my model as it exist, be a group of components named "detail0"?

The main object (and that looks like a one-object ship) should be named detail0.  You include separate objects in the file for other LODs (detail1, etc).  But that fighter should have a very simple heirarchy.  Look on the Wiki for Blender to POF conversion, there's a Collada-oriented article available for Blender users.  Not sure if that's what you were reading or not.


Offline rhettro

  • 27
Do you mind sending me the file? I have a strong feeling the model might not work for freespace as-is.

I'd be happy to send you the model. Just send me a PM with an email address I can contact you with. I'm positive it won't work as is.  Based on the little I have read, it needs to point the opposite direction, be rescaled and have some Blender specific tweaks to get the smoothing groups to translate to Collada.  Once I get that figured out I'll start to tackle the texturing.  I would very much like to use environmental textures for the chrome elements of the model. 


Offline chief1983

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I don't mean that you have to physically connect every piece and weld it all together, but all the little components need to be joined into one object in the heirarchy.  I don't actually do much modeling so that's as detailed as I can get without saying something that's probably incorrect.  The Wiki guide should be much more helpful.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline rhettro

  • 27
I don't mean that you have to physically connect every piece and weld it all together, but all the little components need to be joined into one object in the heirarchy.  I don't actually do much modeling so that's as detailed as I can get without saying something that's probably incorrect.  The Wiki guide should be much more helpful.

What you've said is helpful information.  Thank you.  I've done a lot of 3d modeling, but not a whole lot for games and my texturing is very remedial.  The Wiki's are quite helpful, but sometimes a bit confusing for someone trying to do this for the first time.


Offline chief1983

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Glad I could help then.  That "Should I weld this all together or not?" question pops up a lot around here, so it's one I can answer myself with a fair degree of certainty.
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays

On the not-so-model discussion

I think of the n-1 as a light escort fighter/interceptor, which is designed to pack some punch, because the ships they are escorting are unarmed. As swashmebuckle said, tehre are not much of them. Remember, that the highest ranking officers in the Naboo Security Force are Captains. That is not becuase all the generals got killed during the droid invasion. That is because the force is too small to have anything higher ranked then captain.

As for the chromeness of the design, and how sleek it looks? Well, the Naboo-ians (Nubians?) may not be fighters, they are excellent craftsmen. So if this appeares in game, it should be a highly manouvrable, fast interceptor with light armor and weaponry. If it appears at all...

Even if it's not in FotG (Though I honestly think that the creators will be nice enough to put it in, even if it's not used) you can still release it yourself.
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!