Author Topic: Search Fail  (Read 2099 times)

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Offline NGTM-1R

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own
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  • Syndral Active. 0410.
I noticed you guys went to the custom google search thing awhile back, which was good because the original one was starting to crap out; I would search for specific lines from some of my old posts and it would return no results.

Unfortunately now the new one's doing it too now. I noticed it the same time both ways; searching for my dissertation on the how you could ever possibly build a ship that giggles at being hit by multi-kiloton weapons. The most memorable line from that one was: "armored box" concept

Entering the phrase "armored box" (with or without quotations) into the search box does not turn up the post I am looking for as a result. In fact, it doesn't turn up any posts with that particular phrase, which I've used more than once. (Maybe it'll turn up this one.)

I also, for a lark, just decided to try and find another of my posts (my dissertation about Shivan tactics and why they're not beatable currently) via the phrase: Shivan advantage, however, is summed up by a quote

That didn't get anything either. The full sentence is "The main Shivan advantage, however, is summed up by a quote from Clauswitz." The original post is here. The only result returned by the search is the Shivan Manifesto.

The sad thing is, this actually used to work, as I know I looked it up "armored box" once before with the new search thing as a test of it. Have we run into some deep, dark limitation of the search engines? Do they slowly forget over time?
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Blue Lion

  • Star Shatterer
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A search for "armored box" doesn't bring up this thread.


Offline Fury

  • The Curmudgeon
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Both search methods are available, SMF search is right next to "HELP" in top bar. I can't do anything about it if they do not return the search results you wanted.


Offline Polpolion

  • The sizzle, it thinks!
  • 211
I find that going to the normal Google engine and typing "" and then what you want to search for more effective than anything else.


Offline Fury

  • The Curmudgeon
  • 213
That should be more or less exactly what the quick Google search box does. If search results are different, then I can't but wonder what they're smoking at Google.


Offline Blue Lion

  • Star Shatterer
  • 210
I think we should test!

*runs off*


Offline Polpolion

  • The sizzle, it thinks!
  • 211
That should be more or less exactly what the quick Google search box does. If search results are different, then I can't but wonder what they're smoking at Google.

I searched "Shivan Advantage" (without quotes) from with and from the HLP forum index. The forum index got 108 results, and the search right from returned about 3600 results.

With quotes, returned one result, and our search function did not return any.

Either I didn't do it right, or Google is doing something in an incredibly odd fashion.