Author Topic: FreeSpace movie - good idea or bad idea?  (Read 11225 times)

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Offline Polpolion

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Re: FreeSpace movie - good idea or bad idea?
Yeah, a FreeSpace TV show would probably be way better than any FreeSpace movie. You'd have much more logical pauses between episodes, allowing to have each episode focus on a single mission, as opposed to a movie trying to make the entire plot cohere into a 120 minute time period.

I had a pretty good idea on how a FS movie could be done when we had that VG movie thread a while back, but naturally, I didn't write it down and I forgot it. :p


Offline Killer Whale

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Re: FreeSpace movie - good idea or bad idea?
Please, please!! Have special effects, there's a show on here (merlin) it advertised "imagine LOTR or Harry Potter as a TV series" saying it would be awesome. The thing was, it has horrible special effects, which the other's did. If someone made Freespace into a TV series, it has to have great special effects, at least the sort of the thing you see in episode 4-6 starwars. I won't settle for anything less, anything. Unfortunately, that means money, which we don't have.


Offline eliex

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Re: FreeSpace movie - good idea or bad idea?
Yeah, a FreeSpace TV show would probably be way better than any FreeSpace movie. You'd have much more logical pauses between episodes, allowing to have each episode focus on a single mission, as opposed to a movie trying to make the entire plot cohere into a 120 minute time period.



Offline ElMattador

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Re: FreeSpace movie - good idea or bad idea?
On'y trouble with TV shows is the low-budgets and generally low quality acting, as well as constant pressure from producers to change things into cookie-cutter melodramas with retarded love triangles and sosuch nonsense not necessary in a scifi as intreguing as Freespace.

I think a movie would be cool, but they would probably select some retarded script with really cheesy dialogue and one-demensional characters.  I think the best way to make an FS movie would be using the drafts from the cutscenes that were never made.  I could see it being made all in CG.  Instead of dumb love triangles, I'd focus on tensions and friendships between Vasudans and Terrans.  I'd make it a war-buddy scifi, that emphasises the values of the peoples described in the games; civilizations with unbridled ambition (" ...with dreams of humanity everlasting") and courage in the face of annihalation.  Like a more sophisticated "Independence Day", combined with "Midway" and "Tora Tora Tora".

The plot curve would go like this;  Opening Credits with "14 year T-V war" 2 minute introduction narration and/or subtitles with random pictures of the conflict and bigshots like the Emperor and the GTA leaders.  The main character is skirmishing with Vasudans in some out-of the way system in the breif opening scene after the intro.  Upon returning to his flight deck, he is informed that his family/lover/best friend in Ross 128 disappears, he blames the Zods, starts hating them where before he just saw them as pilots just like him.  Some plot/character development.  Some Vasudan pilots are forced to make an emergency landing on his Destroyer, their's being taken out by the Shivans.  The cease-fire is only hours old when they come aboard.  Later he finds out it was the Shivans that had been responsible for Ross 128.  He stops a bar brawl between some outnumbered Zods and some unruly Terran pilots.  He becomes a pariah amoung his fellow humans, but the Zods approach him after he decides to duke it out with a Scorpion (it is not alone, but the rest of it's wing was busy attacking cargo containers, dodging asteroids, and blasting freighters), while the rest of his squadron had jumped away beleiving the Shivans invincible because of their sheilds.  The fleet recognizes him for his valor, and states that he is only the second terran pilot ever to do so, the first being a wing commander on the Galatae only a few hours earlier.  Some secondary character development (Vasudan perspective, Terran command).  Good news is announced, another bar scene in the officers lounge, this time though, the main characters terran buddies come over to him in a group, and everyone expects a fight, but they sit down and have drinks and tell jokes/funny war stories for a while, and then the bad news hits while they are making merry.  Tombaugh has been annihilated.  After that, they fly a tense, suspensful patrol with some new ships/weapons/sheilds recently aquired, to keep the action up, and make commentary about some of the other battles in the campaign by chatter.  When they return from their sortie, they hear about Vasuda being bombarded.  Then another flight, this time refugee escort. It goes poorly for them, but they receive a transmission from Vasudan scientists (Hint at their discovery of the Ancients and imperrative for escort) during their battle, and relay it to command.  Then some bonding, Ancients discovery announcement, and preparations before the efforts to defend Sol, and the climactic kill the Lucifer mission.  Alpha 1 of the Bastion (at some point he mentions he was originally from the Galatae in chatter with other pilots before the main battle sequence, to which the main character recognizes as the pillot who downed the first Shivan) gets the Lucifer kill, which the main character had to reluctantly bail to engage enemy interceptors gunning for Alpha 1.  You never see his face, but you can hear Alpha 1's voice.  The main character asks over comm afte the battle to have a drink with him on Earth, because he'd like to meet the man who saved his it.  The main Vasudan character chimes in saying "I've never seen Earth, may I join you?" and they all laugh, and accept him.  Then the speech at the end of the game. (Alpha 1's voice?  "Such, is Liberation...")  End Credits.
"Peace Obstructs Fate"


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Re: FreeSpace movie - good idea or bad idea?
Just for future reference, ElMattador, it's generally considered bad forum etiquette to make a post in one thread and then make another thread fully dedicated to the same exact post.  I'm going to lock this thread, since it's a bit older anyway, and any discussion can take place in your new thread.