Author Topic: [Mac] posix_spawn permission denied  (Read 4654 times)

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[Mac] posix_spawn permission denied
Hi all, I'm new here so if I'm misposting something, point me in the right direction please.

I did a search for my error, and nothing came up so I thought I'd post.

I installed freespace on my bootcamp partition, moved the files over, then ran the java installer by Turey. I got the Mac OS Binaries and the media VPS (3.6.12) from there, but I didn't see anything that resembled a Launcher for OS X, so I grabbed Soulstorm's 3.0 mac launcher off his site, updated it to the latest version, and put that in the same folder.

The launcher starts up fine, but when I point it to FS2_Open-Inferno, i get:

"It appears that the application you have selected is not valid, the flag file that it produces in order to make the UI and other things cannot be found."

I also tried running S2_Open-Inferno directly, but it crashes instantly. The Console reads:

"posix_spawn("/Users/<my username>/Desktop/FreeSpace2/FS2_Open-Inferno 3.6.12 (debug).app/Contents/MacOS/FS2_Open-Inferno (debug)", ...): Permission denied"

Any pointers would be really helpful.



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Re: [Mac] posix_spawn permission denied
Since you do seem to have already run the (debug) build, please grab the fs2_open.log from your ~/Library/FS2_Open/data/ folder and attach it to a post.  It sounds like you nailed the installation, so some other system specs would also be helpful.  Another step to try would be to see if you have issues with the latest OS X nightly build as well, in the Nightly Build forum.  The revision 6627 and higher builds in particular are quite different from 3.6.12.
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Re: [Mac] posix_spawn permission denied
Got it working!

Took chief1983's advice and downloaded the latest nightly from the forum thread, revision 6627, and it ran without a hitch.

I'm very surprised to find a forum maintaining an 11 year old game so active, and I certainly didn't expect to get a reply so soon.

Just in case anyone else comes across this, I'm running it on a Macbook Pro 2.4Ghz, i5 with 4GB ram running Mac OS X 10.6.4 (10F569), 32 bit kernel. My boot partition is of the non case sensitive variety.

Many thanks to chief1983, and to everyone who looked and gave it some thought!


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Re: [Mac] posix_spawn permission denied
Glad I could help :)

The development lately has actually been very active, keep checking in for features in new builds.  There will be another Mac development build featuring new HUD code up shortly that will help fix the 2d element's aspect on widescreen monitors.
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays