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What you need to know about the new Inferno continuity
AKA Reasons why the new continuity is plausible and is also based on both canon and the old continuity.
(Scroll down to "Conclusions" if you don't have time / want to read everything.)

Special thanks to starwolf1991, who contributed to this.

Alright, recent posts in the New Eyecandy Thread called for a detailed explanation. Because discussing the subject, there is clearly OT and a new thread would be far easier to follow, well... here you are.

Although certain comments to the new continuity are perfectly understandable providing that no info had previously been published, other comments indicate relatively poor knowledge of FreeSpace 1's plot and, more importantly, INFA and INFR1's plot. (I think people should play the old INFA before criticizing the new continuity.)

References to FreeSpace 1

In FS1, it wasn't that hard to develop the first intersystem jump drives:

Quote from: Reaching the Zenith Command Briefing, Stage 6
This mission will be facilitated by the new subspace drive we have received. For years the GTA has tried to give a fighter the ability to do intersystem jumps. After monitoring the Beta Aquilae engagements, the GTA science colony at Sol has finally been able to solve the puzzle. All GTA fighters are currently being equipped with intersystem subspace drives.

In the new continuity, such research is mostly handled by GTI R&D in Sol, based on Jupiter. If you give Sol's R&D actual Shivan assets, what would they come out with? Read below.

Also, all captured Shivan technology (electronics, shields, sensors), excluding Arjuna 1 (the Dragon) has been probably delivered to Sol and even if it wasn't, its specs had been almost certainly transmitted to Sol. The GTA was presumed to be well centered on Sol (on Earth, to be more precise), mostly because the time span since intersystem colonization started was not enough to ensure the full scientific independence of outer colonies.

During FS1, technologies known to have been developed in Sol are:
-Intersystem jump drives (already mentioned). While it is quite weird to see the GTA significantly expanding its roster in a matter of months (at the beginning, it looks like the Apollo was the only spacecraft in the GTA), the point that most technologies were developed in Sol stands.

Here are a few helpful quotes from FS1:

Quote from: Paving the Way Command Briefing, Stage 4
R&D is currently modifying the Avenger Prototype cannon to make it more useful against the shields.

Quote from: First Strike Command Briefing, Stage 3
The Stiletto bomb has now been thoroughly tested back in Sol and is now ready for use. It can be used to destroy subsystems on any ship and should prove more effective than the Disruptor cannon. The electronics seeking device should make it simple to use. Just point and shoot.

Quote from: The Aftermath Command Briefing, Stages 5-6
Research and Development teams at Sol have recently completed development on a few new weapons.

A group of Terran scientists has returned from a previously unexplored system known as Laramis, and bring with them a new weapon called the Flail.

The Flail is quite different from our typical energy cannons. Please consult the weapons database in the Tech Room for more details.


Our communications with Vasudan technicians have yielded the Interceptor missile. By combining the Vasudan-designed engine with a Terran warhead, we were able to produce the most powerful anti-fighter weapon yet. It's an aspect-seeking missile, and requires a few seconds to lock onto the enemy's engine signature, but its speed and accuracy make it lethal. Use it well.

Quote from: Enter the Dragon Command Briefing, Stage 2
The Vasudan-Terran Ulysses project has been completed, and the Galatea has received a complement of these fighters. It is the most maneuverable craft ever developed by the PVN or the GTA, and it should be extremely useful in this next series of sorties. It can also be equipped with the Prometheus cannon, the most powerful cannon weapon we've ever developed. Use them both well.

This and other things lead to assume that the height of Terran scientific research was in Sol, and a great deal was learned from the Shivans during the Great War. It's totally plausible to assume that all other technologies introduced during FS1 owed a lot to Sol scientists and R&D. After the jump node's collapse, Sol was apparently advanced enough to take its separate way and develop ships and weapons based on Shivan technology in a more efficient way.

A great deal was also learned from the Vasudans. The Interceptor and Ulysses for example were joint endeavors. Knowledge of Vasudan engines, which are known to be particurarly effective, is thought to be well in the hands of Sol scientists. Not to mention the Thoth fighters who helped destroy the Lucifer.

That's from FS1. The original INFA plans by Woomeister also had a number of references to Shivan technology in Sol, and in a revolutionary way. His intention was to use Shivan technology as the foundation of the EA's own technology.

Shivan technology obtained from the Lucifer

If you actually played the old INFA, entirely designed and FREDded by Woomeister, the following command briefing ANIs will not be a suprise:

I'd like to put an emphasis on that the second pic has pclay on its filename: it stands for Project Claymore. If you don't believe it, just browse INFA's modpack. In any case, the most important thing is that SF Gorgon, the best Shivan fighter. How did Sol scientists get their hands over it?

When the Lucifer collapsed the Sol jump node, the destroyer was literally cut. Imagine all the material that spread in the vacuum of space... well, what if there were fighters there? By exiting the hull, the Gorgons survived the following explosion and were later confused with debris. They've been taken to Mars, while the Lucifer's beams (or better, what was left) were brought to Earth for analysis.

After the GTA collapsed, the so called Territorial Conventions prohibited research on Shivan technology. We know since INFA, however, that research was indeed carried out for military purposes: Earth developed the first beam prototype, mounted on the Megaera, while the Martians developed the GTB Hera. Jovian research on Shivan jump drives was not mentioned in INFA, but will be mentioned in INFASA.

One question: why didn't the Lucifer sortie the Gorgons in subspace to destroy all Terran and Vasudan attackers? They probably didn't have time, underestimated the attack or kept them for a specific use. In any case, it is known since INFA that Gorgon fighters were analyzed in Sol. In INFA, the only product of research on Shivan fighter technology was the GTB Hera, a fast bomber, but things will change in INFASA: another design, this time a fighter, will also be seen to underline research on Shivan assets and work as an introduction to further development of Project Claymore.

The Plutonians will almost certainly play a role of vital importance on INFA2, a role that will be related to Shivan technology. Because INFA2 is early in the planning phase, this role will be defined later.

Post-Great War Terran space

We know from certain tech description that mass production of advanced weaponry outside Sol was somehow compromised after the system got sealed off:

Quote from: GTW Prometheus R Tech Description
The GTW-5a Prometheus R is a modified version of the original Prometheus weapon. With the link to Earth severed, the GTVA had been unable to obtain sufficient quantities of argon (a required element in the Prometheus's power-generation module) to continue to manufacture the standard Prometheus. GTVA engineers modified the original design to incorporate some of the advanced electromagnetic mechanisms of the Banshee. The technology has not been perfected, however, and the Prometheus R suffers from a long recharge cycle and high energy requirements.

Quote from: GTW Prometheus S Tech Description
The original GTW-5 Prometheus S was removed from service when the link to Earth was lost and the GTVA was unable to obtain sufficient quantities of argon (a required element in the Prometheus's power-generation module). Recent deployment of Anuket and Zephyrus gas miners has enabled us to resume production of the GTW-5 Prometheus S. The S-type is a minor variant of the original Prometheus laser cannon. The S-type's faster recharge cycle and lower energy drain cause many pilots to prefer it over the R variant.

The fact that the GTVA can hardly gather enough Ar is an oddity, almost an inconsistency or even plothole, but indicates how poor other colonized systems are compared to Sol.

Quote from: UD-8 Kayser
The GTW UD-8 Kayser is the result of an intensive study of Shivan weapon technology. The Kayser emits focused waves of subatomic particles that bombard its target. Impact causes the wave function of the particles to collapse and emit extremely intense, zero-point energy microbursts. Standard policy dictates that weapons of this magnitude be mounted only on bombers, but it has become common practice for field technicians to mount them on fighters.

Considering the "Gorgon affair" mentioned above, it's quite plausible to assume that 30 years after the Great War (or earlier) scientists in Sol were capable of developing weapons of this kind.

The Ricochet Effect led to serious isolation of all Sol colonies, so the result of research on Shivan technology hasn't been combined for many, many years. The war between Earth and Mars later resulted in a prominent alliance between the two colonies. That, and consequent Martian operations in Jovian space (read Serendipity's plot), were the first step towards a more prominent use of derivatives of Shivan technology.

GTI Rebellion and Admiral Bosch. How are they related to Inferno?

Research on Shivan tech has also progressed outside Sol, and all of you know the GTI Rebellion and the Hades.

There's a strong connection between the GTI Rebellion and Sol's most important GTI branch, based on Jupiter, which significantly helped the colony since the GTA's collapse. The Jovians knew how to build the GTF Loki and GTB Zeus, and kept the designs for themselves because they still were GW era and therefore not compatible with many of the features the OCP system ensured. These assets will hardly appear in the main INFASA campaign, but will be used a lot in Serendipity.

Then, we have the GTSD Aurora/Europa:

It's very similar to the Hades, and that is no coincidence. Woomeister wanted to scrap the model (it's low poly, in need of a reskin, and may need to be redone once the HTL Hades becomes available), but I asked him to keep it because it significantly underlines how close Sol's GTI is to its outer counterpart. It is currently excluded on the modpack but Serendipity's plot is flexible enough to use the RJD Odissea (Orion-class) instead.

We know from Bosch that:

Quote from: Bosch Monologue 4
As a young pilot, I battled against the rebels of the Great War, the Galactic Terran Intelligence whose research of Shivan technology and biology would form the cornerstone of my project. The Terran-Vasudan Alliance buried this knowledge but I resurrected it. I alone realized our species had no future with the Vasudans. If we are to survive, our destiny must lie elsewhere.

This is the salient point. If Shivan technology gives enormous advantages, why wouldn't the GTA and PVE use it? The GTVA buried that technology because they knew it would have given serious disadvantages in case of second war with the Shivans. Communicating with the Shivans (ETAK), using their shipbuilding capabilities (Hades): we have seen a lot of things, but none of them seem to be compatible with Terran and Vasudan policies. Many new designs, including the Colossus, have been specificately created to face the Shivans:

Quote from: GTF Hercules Mk II Tech Description
The GTF Hercules Mark II is the next generation of Terran heavy assault fighter. Introduced during the Great War, the original Herc's balance of firepower and maneuverability made it the most versatile strike fighter in the fleet. Some military historians have claimed the Hercules won the Great War, citing its deployment in key battles near the end of the Shivan conflict. Implementing recent advances in fusion drive technology, the Mark II improves the assault fighter's speed and maneuverability without sacrificing loadout capacity.

It kind of suggests that the Mk II has been developed mostly because the original Herc was successful at fighting the Shivans.

Quote from: GTB Sekhmet Tech Description
The GVB Sekhmet is a Shivan design that was initially adapted to Vasudan needs by Hammer of Light engineers. The version currently in use was further modified by technicians at Mekhu Enterprises. Sporting four primary weapon banks and three missile/bomb bays, the Sekhmet packs a massive punch. Add in a top speed that surpasses that of some fighters and an ultra-dense molybdenum armor plating, and it's easy to see why the Sekhmet is the favorite bomber among Vasudan pilots.

This marks how even some Vasudans (the HoL, in this case) have seriously considered Shivan technology as a good foundation for next gen assets. It's indirectly suggested that Mekhu Enterprises "deshivanized" the Sekhmet to reflect the GTVA's policy on application of Shivan technology.

This is strongly related to the Het-Ka destroyer, built by the Hammer of Light and previously used in INFR1. As per Woomeister's will, the model has been moved to INFASA and will be used in the campaign The Spirit of Ptah.

Quote from: GVCv Sobek Tech Description
Design of the corvette class GVCv Sobek began in the dark days after the destruction of Vasuda Prime by the Shivans in the Great War. The Vasudan navy wanted a vessel that could single-handedly counter powerful Shivan cruisers and provide critical support to Vasudan destroyers in battles against Shivan capital ships. The Sobek class fills those requirements admirably. Bristling with almost two dozen turrets, these corvettes are a terror to all vessels of cruiser size and below, while presenting a dire threat even to ships far larger than themselves.

After the devastation of their homeworld, the Vasudans wanted to be prepared for another possible confrontation with the Shivans. Designing ships that would have disadvantages in battling the Shivans wouldn't have made sense.

Quote from: Colossus Cutscene
We vanquished the Shivans in the Great War, but the hard questions remained. How would we confront the threat of future invasion? The Shivans might return at any time, any place, without warning. How would we fight the next threat to the very existence of our species?

In 2345, on the tenth anniversary of the Shivan attack on Ross 128, the Vasudan Emperor Khonsu II addressed the newly-formed GTVA General Assembly. The Emperor inaugurated an ambitious and unprecedented joint endeavor: the GTVA Colossus.


The Colossus is the most powerful space-faring warship ever constructed. Spanning six kilometers from bow to stern, the Colossus has taken over twenty years to complete. Twelve Lucifer-class destroyers can fit within its massive hull.

The alliance now wages war on multiple fronts in Deneb, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Pegasi and the mysterious nebula beyond Gamma Draconis. Once deployed, the Colossus will end these conflicts swiftly and decisively. If ever the Shivans return to threaten our worlds, we will be ready to face the challenge, securing peace for today and for generations to come.

The philosophy behind the construction of the Colossus is evident. References to the Shivans are quite common in the speech, especially at the beginning.

Sol scientists did not share the same fear, and developed weapons to be used against humans, not Shivans. Afterall, over the years, they hardly kept caring about what happened to the other systems and also thought that the war with the Shivans was indeed over.

Quote from: Endgame Cutscene
I'm told we can expect them again, but not in my lifetime. Such is liberation.

Nothing happened in many years, and people in Sol were more concerned about the RE, its implications and intercolonial rivalry. Being prepared for an unprobable second Great War no longer was a part of their plans.

Under this point of view, they're well behind the GTVA in terms of knowledge: they do not know what the Shivans are capable of.

The GTVA has used Shivan technology to develop new weapons (like beams and the Kayser), but didn't apply Shivan tech to spacecraft or warship designs. They knew what kind of disadvantages they would have posed. In any case, Sol scientists have taken the opposite direction (see INFA's GTB Hera) and used Shivan tech to develop weapons and ships alike.

Proof that the EA is weaker to Shivan opponents is indirectly given by this old pre-battle INF SCP screenshot:

It's also a proof of the EA's superb shipbuilding capabilities, which are now explained by Nanotech. Once again, there's a reference to the old continuity = Woomeister's original ideas. The new stuff has been approved by him, and after reading all these things you'll probably understand why.

Vassago's Dirge "Black Ash": An introduction to Nanotechnology

When I played Axem's Vassago's Dirge, which IMHO features the best cutscenes to be ever designed (among other things), something really surprised me. Not a bit, a lot. Spoiler tags are required here.

The Shivans are using an agent called Black Ash. Black Ash consists of billions of nanomachines that eat away at everything, leaving behind a dark black compound the Shivans use to create just about anything. The countermeasure is quite simple- an intense enough alternating current is enough to repel it. However, due to the station being inactive, the Black Ash has quickly spread throughout the structure.

While I worked a lot on Shivan-based tech in the planning phase, like Nanotechnology, I had only vague concepts about the original Shivan version Nanotech was based on.

The interesting thing here is that Axem's concept almost perfectly matches my own, with the differences that the nanomachines I had in mind were also used to construct ships and weapons (instead of limiting their duty to producing raw material). My idea is that the Shivans themselves are uncapable of constructing, and rely on giving proper instructions to nanomachines. The nanomachines themselves can be managed via quantum pulses, which should be quite effective at that.

What does Terran research on Black Ash (I'd like to use that definition from now on as a tribute to Axem's work and mindreading capabilities ) imply? How can it come of use? That's where Nanotechnology comes in.

Nanotechnology, the key to the Earth Alliance's success (until the Shivans come back...)

As you probably remember, a while ago I mentioned something called Metaeroplankton or MTA. Genetically modified forms that somehow help depolluting atmospheres and/or make them more suitable for life, thus contituting a vital tool in terraforming processes. I claimed their presence in the Inferno continuity (disclaimer: they will be hardly mentioned in the main campaign, they're just a background thing, so no more comments like "What? Small life forms destroying ships in space?!?") is necessary to justify the Earth Alliance's technological advancements.

Here's why.

Combine Black Ash with MTA. You get controlled, microscopical and photophyle life forms which can build and repair things with extreme ease providing that they have enough light and material.

Economical constraints are hardly an issue: sunlight is free, elements used by Nanites are basically found in situ and their activity can be very easily monitored. Furthermore, considering the EA's militaristic and imperialistic nature, if something needs to be done it will be done. Prices aren't an issue because the EA would end up paying itself for constructions of that kind; they're not communist or anything like that, but can build and repair very efficiently, especially when it is clearly known that work will come to serious fruition.

When I wrote the original plans for Nanotech, I also had to come out with something that would justify the place where the Icanus was constructed: Mars.

Quote from: EAI Atlantis Tech Description
The Atlantis is the drydock around Mars in which the Icanus super juggernaught was constructed. This station has no armament.

If sunlight and a lot of material are required, Earth or even Venus would be more reasonable solutions. Why would the EA build the Icanus near Mars?
The problem has been easily solved by MTA: on Earth it was used for depollution, attempts to terraform Venus have failed, but things have proceeded quite differently on Mars. The best experts on MTA live there, and considering Serendipity's plot it can be easily assumed that Mars will be the core of the EA's research on Nanotech, at least at the beginning. A perfect reason to build there the largest Terran ship ever.

Also easily explainable is how the Orion-class destroyers left in the inner colonies (there are no plans for the others yet) have been upgraded to become EACa Auriga carriers:

Quote from:  EACa Auriga Tech Description
When the destruction of the Lucifer in the Great War caused the Sol-Delta Serpentis jump node to collapse, the GTA had several Orion class destroyers in Sol ready to fight the Shivan superdestroyer to the bitter end. Rather than scrap these ships as newer models were built, the Earth Alliance modified the destroyers, fitting them with a second hangar bay to double their fighter capacity, and replacing the traditional hull armor with the EA's heavier plating. We can also conclude that the EA built many new ships of this class from scratch, as nine units of this type have been identified in battle so far. The Auriga can carry up to 100 combat spacecraft, fewer than the Lenaeus, but it has far more powerful weaponry and can defend itself against most fighter attacks without support.

Construction of many new ships of this class is perfectly compatible with Nanotech, and so is pretty much everything related to the Earth Alliance.

When Science comes of help

For those who didn't know it, there's been a lot of research work in the planning phase to make MTA, Nanotech and other things as much as realistic and believable as possible. Many of the key technologies in Inferno can, in fact, be easily understood with present-day scientific knowledge.

Nanite's capacity to act to the atomic/molecular level are not to be underestimated. Even with the same chemical composition, materials may behave differently depending on how atoms/molecules are placed. The most common examples are C-α (Graphite) and C-β (Diamond). These Nanites may do things like combining Al2O3 in its most compact crystalline form, almost as tough ad C-β. If the result has certain weaknesses, the problem can be solved by adding other elements and create an efficient alloy.

Much needed Argon can produced in the inner colonies from Potassium. By inducing electron capture of 40K, you get 40Ar. I think it's totally plausible to assume that, 300 years from now, scientists will find a way to force electron shell K electrons to precipitate on cores and induce that kind of decay, and they will also be able to mass produce the isotopes needed in such procedures. Another interesting reaction is the following: by combining 14C and 1H, you can get neutrons and N (which is quite useful in terraforming).

Nanites can dissociate carbonates and other minerals to get much needed elements that may be used in shipyards: C, Al, Fe, U, the list is very long. Some of these elements can also be efficiently used in agriculture, effectively giving a real boost to Sol's population. The soil can be easily altered and adapted by Nanites, and minerals such as alkaline feldspars, mica, olivines, other silicates, carbonates, sulphates, etc. etc., which are very common and easily obtainable, can be dissociated to get elements capable of boosting agriculture and turn enormous quantities of inorganic matter into organic. Knop's method, Van der Crone's, Pfeffer's, Mazé's: all of them and their derivatives are compatible with Nanotechnology. If you add genetical engineering to the equation, results can be extraordinary.

All thanks to the Shivans.

With Nanotech, Luna's criticized domes are far from being unplausible. A lot of material can be obtained from the satellite itself and can be brought from Earth, Mars or even Venus (because of the RE, bringing it from Venus would be a bit harder). Nanites can work at the molecular level to maximize resistance to asteroid impacts (you may wish to take a look at this, just in case) protect from radiation, maintain an artificial atmosphere and other things, possibly with minimal thickness. Mirrors could be easily installed to maximize effectiveness and activity of Nanites by focusing sunlight when/where necessary.

There's no great exaggeration in this: all the attention will be focused on Luna, so there won't be any radical changes to a system scale. Something will also occur on Venus, but that surely won't be a complete terraforming.

As indirectly stated, all these are background things the player won't be stormed with when playing. A system to use Nanites in combat for quick repair is currently being planned, but as I said there won't be any technobabbles in-game.


* The GTA was centered on Sol, mostly Earth. The gross majority of Terrans, in fact, lived in Sol. [ASSUMED FROM CANON]

* Many Shivan electronical, shield and sensor systems were brought to Sol. At least, Sol scientists knew their specs. [ASSUMED FROM CANON]

* Many new technologies have been developed during the Great War in Sol, like the intersystem jump drives [CANON] GTI R&D have developed near Jupiter. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY] More in general, they learned a lot from the Shivans. [OLD INFERNO CONTINUITY]

* Sol scientists also learned quite a lot about the useful Vasudan engines from development of the GTM Interceptor, GTF Ulysses and Vasudan assets in Sol. [CANON]

* When the Delta Serpentis jump node in Sol collapsed, the Lucifer's beams and some of its Gorgon superfighters were obtained. [OLD INFERNO CONTINUITY] The superfighters narrowly survived destruction when the Lucifer exploded near the node. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY]

* After the GTA's collapse, research on Shivan technology was prohibited but many Sol factions secretly kept carrying it out. For many years, research did not imply radical changes in the system. The Earthers developed the first beam prototype, the Martians started Project Claymore, developed the GTB Hera [OLD INFERNO CONTINUITY] and GTF *CLASSIFIED*. GTI R&D at Jupiter worked on Shivan subspace drives. The Plutonians also had something to work, but it is not mentioned in INFASA. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY]

* Sol's most important branch of the GTI, based on Jupiter, shares many things with elements from the GTI that carried out the Hades Rebellion. The Jovians knew the specs to build the GTF Loki and GTB Zeus, [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY] and also built the GTSD Aurora/Europa basing its design on that of the GTD Hades. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY, depends on wheter or not the model will be used again]

* The GTVA buried knowledge regarding use of Shivan technology. They developed weaponry based on Shivan tech (beams, Kayser) but didn't use it to build combat spacecraft and ships [CANON] because it's vulnerable to Shivan weaponry. Sol scientists used Shivan technology on weapons and ships alike. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY]

* Many GTVA designs, like the Colossus, have been specificately developed to face a possible new Shivan threat. [CANON] Because of the Ricochet Effect, all early post-GW Sol factions, the Earth Alliance and Jovian Coalition have focused on preparing themselves for conflicts with human opponents. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY]

* The GVB Sekhmet was developed by the Hammer of Light following research on Shivan technology, but Mekhu Enterprises modified the design [CANON] to match Terran and Vasudan policies on Shivan tech. The Het-Ka was also a HoL design based on Shivan technology. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY]

* Vassago's Dirge, Axem's latest campaign, mentions Shivan nanomachines refered to as Black Ash capable of treating materials to make them fit for Shivan construction. [NON CANON/FANON] These machines are also used to build Shivan ships and weapons. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY]

* Before space colonization, advances in genetical engineering led to the creation of Metaeroplankton (or MTA) to depollute Earth's atmosphere and help terraforming Mars. Crossing of such technology with research on Black Ash led to Nanotechnology, an extraordinary technological achievement. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY]

* The Icanus superjuggernaut was constructed near Mars [OLD INFERNO CONTINUITY] because Martian scientists were experts on MTA and, at least at the beginning, also carried out most of the EA's research on Nanotechnology. [NEW INFERNO CONTINUITY]

Things fit so well and explain many things we didn't get to know in INFR1, and apparently led to plotholes (How did the EA build the Icanus?). Serious technological development is not limited, and paraterraforming of the Moon reflects the "social" aspect of Nanotechnology. I see the EA as the ideal fusion of Terran and Shivan technology, and also an awesome Sol-ruling power.

In-game, the EA will be a strong enemy. Plans on how to turn the EA into a fearsome opponent (in INFR1, EA destroyers went down easily and the EA as a whole wasn't as strong as it should have been) are old. SadisticSid proposed them and their influence on current plans is quite notable.
Also used will be many SCP features to make the EA as strong as possible. Tactics, jamming, fake transmissions, and much more will be used to overwhelm the GTVA and let the player experience something new in the history of FreeSpace modding. All these are perfectly compatible with the Minoa:

Quote from: EASC Minoa Tech Description
The Minoa class is rarely seen inside combat, but this EA ship has been known to carry advanced technology across EA territory. It also doubles as an AWACS ship with its complex sensor arrays. The Minoa can also jam enemy sensors and communications at close and long ranges, making it a valuable strategic tool.

Turning the EA into a more militaristic faction than it was in INFR1 also fits perfectly with this:

Quote from: Earth Alliance Intelligence Entry
When the Sol Gate project was at last completed nine months ago, Terrans expected a warm embrace when they returned to Earth. What they got instead was akin to an icy dagger straight through the hearts of those who had yearned to once again witness the beauty of the blue planet.

It was revealed that the Earth Alliance, an imperialistic organization that had seized power in the aftermath of a global conflict following the destruction of the Sol-Delta Serpentis node, had prepared for their flight from the homeworld for many, many years. The initial expeditionary force sent by the GTVA was wiped out immediately, and the resulting swarm of EA ships quickly seized control of the Gate and the GTVA's surrounding systems of Ross 128, Delta Serpentis, and Beta Aquilae.

The EA had developed its own versions of the photon beam cannon, and its own array of high-performance vessels. They also maintained the excellent scheme of training originally instituted by the GTA, which led to their skilled cabal of veteran pilots. These factors are thought to have been the decisive ones in the success of the EA's invasion.

Recently, however, the inexperience of EA officials in maintaining a wide area of control and the consequent logistical issues allowed the GTVA, which maintained territory many times more expansive, to isolate and crush components of the EA fleet. It also enabled the GTVA offensive, Operation Archon, to begin.

Superior in the battle for a single system, but vulnerable when it comes to maintaining control of many systems.

Quote from: EAI Cepheus Tech Description
The gargantuan Cepheus platform is the EA's space fortress. Unlike the GTVA's Arcadia, this platform fulfills a strictly military role, and can service multiple warships simultaneously. The Cepheus' broad array of heavy weaponry is more than capable of defending the station from a fleet attack, together with an extensive fighter complement. The EA uses these installations as their fleet headquarters.

Just to put an emphasis on how militaristic they are, as even outposts fulfill a military role.

The GTVA will rely on new technologies, such as subsystem strikes, to battle its powerful opponent. Despite the apparent inferiority, the GTVA is not to be underestimated:

Quote from: GVB Setep Tech Description
The huge Setep is the largest fightercraft in Vasudan service. Capable of carrying the formidable Djinn subspace strike torpedo, a wing of Seteps is a terrible enemy for a large fleet or superdestroyer to face. Because of this standoff capability, even fighter wings are of limited use against them. Up close and personal, the Setep can still launch a spread of Apophis bombs to kill off destroyers and corvettes.

INFASA, however, is what's at hand: it will be hopefully completed soon, and once the Inferno Team will be regrouped the time will come to resume progress on INF SCP and INFA2.  :)
The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
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A tribute to FreeSpace in my book: Riflessioni dall'Infinito
My interviews: [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ]

Re: What you need to know about the new Inferno continuity
Wow, great info dump.  I've been following this mod for over 6 years, and it's always encouraging to see signs of life here.  ;)


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Re: What you need to know about the new Inferno continuity
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


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Re: What you need to know about the new Inferno continuity
I'd personally support this.

It'd be rather wonderful if we could have one of these without it turning into a 'heated discussion'.


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    • The Lightblue Ribbon | Cultural Project
Re: What you need to know about the new Inferno continuity
Discussions about the new continuity as a whole are welcome and encouraged, but focusing on the domes is a bit premature right now due to the lack of a proper description (which will be done later, anyway).
The Lightblue Ribbon

Inferno: Nostos - Alliance
Series Resurrecta: {{FS Wiki Portal}} -  Gehenna's Gate - The Spirit of Ptah - Serendipity (WIP) - <REDACTED> (WIP)
FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
A tribute to FreeSpace in my book: Riflessioni dall'Infinito
My interviews: [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ]