Author Topic: Input "lag"  (Read 961 times)

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Offline Kolgena

  • 211
Hey, so especially with the new lighting shaders/post processing code, my game can often dip into the 30-40 fps zone. I imagine that for most games, this is comfortably if not perfectly fluid, but in FSO, it's unplayable. When dropping from 60 fps down to around 30, there's a noticeable drop in joystick/mouse sensitivity. I notice this the most when I'm close to a capital ship and move in a way so that its hull fills then leaves the scene. (I'm guessing the per pixel shader at 1080p isn't happy on a crappy 3650 mobility). The effect is that it almost seems like the ship is magnetic, as movement sensitivity steadily drops and then steadily climbs as more and less hull is visible respectively.

The obvious solution is to drop the resolution so I stay afloat a fair bit above 60 fps, and that's what I'm doing. However, I'm guessing that input is somehow tied to framerate, and I'm wondering if it's possible to uncouple the two so that mouse/joystick input remains consistent despite suffering framerates. (I'm looking at you, Karuna).



  • Self-Propelled Trouble Magnet
  • 212
  • Master Drunk
    • 165th Beer Drinking Hell Raisers
You have got to be kidding. 30-40fps unplayable?  Heck I do debugging where I'm lucky to get 10 and I can still play.  Now when you get under that I'll believe it. 

Oh and don't even think about multiplayer.  You would jump off a bridge. 
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras


Offline Kolgena

  • 211
Look, I'm the guy who's happy playing Crysis at 18-20 fps. I'm not one of the 60 fps elitists.

Something happens down at 30 fps in FSO (I think it's excessive stutter) that makes it feel more like 5 fps. I can't aim with that kind of frame lag, not to mention that jumps around 30 means that there's varying degrees of stutter/lagging.

On a vaguely related note, head.anis still cause the game to stutter in a similar manner without dropping the framerate reading. I wonder if the two things might be related? I mean, sometimes I get 30 fps and it feels fine, other times it's a stuttery unplayable mess at 30 fps. This is under the latest Ant7 build.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 12:04:12 am by Kolgena »