Author Topic: Cylon red datas.  (Read 2451 times)

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Offline Richard

  • 25

I have a project, this project is creating an animated cylon theme for iPhone and iPod touch. I was thinking about using the red code displayed on the basestars screens. (and in the galactica in the end)

But there is not any model (I searched for long) not any wallpaper, not any screensaver... That's strange. I wondering if someone have a detail of this animation, to reconize and recreating some symbols.


I've thought about doing one, too. As far as I can tell, each block is just symbols on a grid. They cycle as they fall through space. If you're looking for good reference, you can see it full-screen at the beginning of "No Exit" during the downloading sequence, and also in most episodes of Caprica. The symbols are also visible on the computer screens being used to program Cylons throughout Caprica.


Offline Richard

  • 25
Okay thanks a lot, I'll look at this ;)
This is like matrix but without the persistance of the symbols. and from top and bottom.