Author Topic: It's a bit barren around here...  (Read 1853 times)

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Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
It's a bit barren around here...
Where is everyone, there hasn't been a post here for days, we'll have squatters moving in, and tumble weeds blowing through the streets!

Anyway, I have a question.
Are we going to use the HW style Hyperspace entry bit, (the square box), if so, how?


Offline Hudzy

  • Apollo Pilot
  • 28
It's a bit barren around here...
I could be wrong, but I think that could be done by merely creating a new ani file for the warp sequence. You could then remove the tunnel effect and there you have it.


Offline Thorn

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  • What is this? I don't even...
It's a bit barren around here...
Yeah, thats what we were going to do, except instead of the box moving, the ship will, as for the barrenness, I've been busy... and I'm working on that Bentusi Station... its being... troublesome...


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
It's a bit barren around here...
Troublesome, you say? Worse than the Acolyte, I seem to remember either yourself or USS Alex calling that one a whore!