Author Topic: [SERIOUSLY] Voice actors needed  (Read 2443 times)

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Offline sigtau

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[SERIOUSLY] Voice actors needed
EDIT: HOW THE **** DID I MISS THIS BOARD.  Seriously, I have zero clue how I missed that.
EDIT TO THE EDIT: Thanks to whoever moved that.

I couldn't find the voice acting board (I think it got nuked, so hopefully posting this here isn't against the rules), so I wrote this post here.  Forgive me if I've broken any rules, as I've searched the forum and couldn't find anything on this, so it seemed appropriate to start the thread here. :nervous:  Anyways, this may seem like a completely last-minute request, but I'm trying to keep this really short mini-project relatively quiet until I have something presentable, so please forgive the very spotty nature of this post.

If you can voice act the part of a frantic, hyperventilating (and later on, slightly angry--and even later on, Commander Snipes-like) pilot...

... or you can voice act a completely somber and monotone-yet-content-sounding character (think GLaDOS, but without the rigid computer-like rhythm), who will later on become more and more insane-sounding...

... or you can voice act an Admiral Wolf-like commanding officer with an extremely cautious demeanor ...

... or you can voice act a friendly, seasoned pilot who has a friendship connection to the first character mentioned in this post....

... then I need your help for a mini-campaign that I'd like to release will full voice acting.*  If you are interested, the audition lines are as follows for each of the above characters (all lines under the character are required in the audition):

1. The Frantic/Angry/Snipes-Like Pilot
Line 1: "Who just... [panting, slightly choking on his own words in shock] Identify yourself--please!  I need help, evac, support, anything!"
Line 2: "You son of a *****... I fought for my people!  Who the hell do you think you are?"

2. The Somber Unknown Figure
Line 1: [monotonous] "I am your friend.  You are my patron to justice.  Second chances are not allowed to the likes of you."
Line 2: "Tell me, dear patron, what is your greatest fear?  Rejection, loss, failure, or something else?  After all, there's no longer any reason to fear death."

3. The Commanding Officer Who Likes to Pretend He Sounds Like Admiral Wolf
Line 1: "It's amazing you survived an inhumane ordeal like that.  Consider yourself lucky to be alive, pilot."
Line 2: "Officers, keep alert.  The last thing I want to see is for you to succumb to his dirty tricks."

4. The Friendly, Seasoned Pilot
Line 1: [with emotion] "He's lying!  None of this is real!  Don't let him fool you!"
Line 2: "It's a Terran wing!  Why the hell are they attacking?"

Red denotes parts that are taken, green denotes parts that are not taken.

Send them by PM to me on here, or by e-mail to sigma {AT} sigmatauproductions {DOT} com if you so prefer.

* Fully voice acted because it's a relatively short campaign that happens to be very story driven and utilizes only a few core characters; so that without any kind of voice acting, the campaign would severely suffer in quality.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 10:33:46 pm by sigtau »
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Offline Something

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Re: [SERIOUSLY] Voice actors needed
Sent my attempt to your email.
Done voice work for :
TBP Relic mini-campaign - Released
Warzone Campaign
Olympus Burning


Offline Mad Bomber

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Re: [SERIOUSLY] Voice actors needed
I would *love* to do the monotone-but-becoming-increasingly-creepy voice. I'll send you my attempts tomorrow, when I have a chance to record them without irritating sleeping people below me.
"What the hell!? I've got a Snuffleupagus on my scanners! The Snuffleupagus is active!"


Offline bigchunk1

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Re: [SERIOUSLY] Voice actors needed
Sent something, but I don't think I understood the Admiral Wolf reference.
BP Multi
The Antagonist
Zacam: Uh. No, using an effect is okay. But you are literally using the TECHROOM ani as the weapon effect.