Author Topic: Alpha Andromedae 3/14/13 Last Update [Fan-Fiction]  (Read 1735 times)

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Offline Cyborg17

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Alpha Andromedae 3/14/13 Last Update [Fan-Fiction]
For a long while I was working on a campaign that is now stuck on a hard drive that I can't access. So, due to the fact that I don't think I'm going to have the time or the will to finish it, I decided that I was just going to write the story I had intended in fan-fiction format.  A good section of it is already finished, so it's a good time to start posting it.

I'm going to use a streamlined format that looks somewhat like movie screenplay instead of going for imagery.  I wanted to create as much of a "universe" as I could for immersion without getting bogged down in details.  If you enjoy the new perspective, awesome.  If you don't, I tried.  :) I know that it's not my calling to be a writer, so whatevs.  (Btw, it's a bajillion times easier to write this stuff than do fredding, moddling, tabling, texturing, balancing, skyboxing, and such.)

Alpha Andromedae

Time: 1 hour after Capella Supernova, Place: Beta Aquilae system, on board the GTD Acquitane

First Mate Sharen Smith. “Sir, reports indicate that the Capella jump node has finished its collapse.  We have sealed them off!”

Admiral Petrarch remains silent and looks out the window.  His eyes are unfocused, pensive, and his arms are folded.  He stirs.  “Yes.  That should buy us some time.”

Time: 1 Day after Capella Supernova, Place: Vega system, Special Operations Command Post above Vega VI

Analyst Ralph Stephanas looks out the window towards Capella. “I can’t believe it.  It’s gone. The light I’m seeing right now surrounded the planet I was born on, but the star is already dead….  It’s surreal.”

Stephanas turns his head and looks at his partner.  “Why would they do that?  Why that star, when there are so many out there?  There are so many questions that we may never have the answer to.  And the way to get those answers was lost when those nodes were collapsed.  I just wish there was a way to know.”

Analyst Jeremy Pierce, Stephanas’s partner does not at first respond.

Stephanas. “We were helpless.  We were being killed off in droves. And we don’t even know why.  That is how we know our insignificance.  Whatever they were doing was not about us, and we hardly fazed them.  We have our lives but it cost us our pride.”

Pierce. “You’re right.  We’re meaningless right now.  But at least we learned how to return home.  The Knossos device’s specifications are being reverse-engineered.  I heard from a report on the device, too, that there may now be a way to detect jump nodes that exist beyond the Strikehaser limit.”

Stephanas. “What’s the point?  Any system we find would probably be infested with shivans.”

Pierce. “Maybe not.”

Stephanas. “I don’t –” Stephanas stops and stares at the wall for several seconds, then he stares through the window at empty space.  “The Shivans would have to have missed them, and their technology would have to be at least a hundred years ahead of what we have to even stand a chance.”

Pierce. “Who knows, maybe there are couple species out there like that.”

Stephanas is again silenced.  After a few seconds he remarks, “Or there could be another race of Shivans.  We have no idea what’s out there.  What if we trigger the next Shivan invasion searching for these new species?”

Pierce looks down at the floor in thought.  After a few seconds he looks up and says confidently, “The shivans left.  Where they went, I don’t know.  No matter how vast their resources, that large of an exodus must mean that there is little, if anything left behind.  Their main threat is gone for now.  I know it’s true because not one shivan craft got through to Vega or Epsilon Pegasi.  They overran us, but they weren’t trying to invade our space.  Their attacks on our convoys were a diversion.  What they did was so important that they even sacrificed at least a dozen juggernauts.   It’s even possible that we are about to inherit an era of peace – a peace that we need to win the next war.”
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 03:05:18 am by Cyborg17 »


Offline Luis Dias

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Re: Alpha Andromedae 3/9/13 Last Update [Fan-Fiction]
Nice. Perhaps your characters are going slightly way above their own heads, by concluding many things that are mere hypothesis in dire need of any actual evidence...


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: Alpha Andromedae 3/9/13 Last Update [Fan-Fiction]
Yeah, but they're not the only people in the universe.  I probably would have done better to show that the conversation was really only two analysts, that it was the exception, and that there were probably two or three hundred analysts on board the station at the time.  The likelihood of this view does increase though, if a long time, a hundred or more years, passes and there is no further shivan incursion; but there will be some who believe it at first due to the sheer size of the invading fleet.

Btw, for the next part, I'm well aware that the science in the next part makes no sense.  It's freespace, after all.


Time: 6 Days after Capella Supernova, Place: Beta Aquilae system, GTVA special joint Assembly meeting, Beta Aquilae III

Dr. Mina Hargrove gives a report on the secondary technologies which could be derived from the Knossos Device.  “Finally, the formation of the subspace node required precision measurements of its own function and of subspace itself.  Portal creation is a very exact science, which required sensitive measurements to be successful.

We found that there were eight detection instruments on the inner ring of the Knossos Device.  Three of these were for the monitoring of the rotation, two for the monitoring of its position in relation to the star, and three for the detection of subspace anomalies.  The five that monitored the device’s position and orientation were actually primitive according to our capital ship sensor arrays. 

They lacked Beryllium-Cobalt emitters, and instead used a very specific Cobalt-Germanium alloy, which, by definition, must emit a slightly larger spectrum of energy per band used, reducing the accuracy of the measurements obtained.  It seems they either lacked the raw materials for Beryllium emitters or by circumstance never discovered the technology.  Cobalt-Germanium emitters are used on some high-profile Vasudan civilian craft, so its application is not new to us.

However, the remaining three detection devices are actually very special.  They are made out of alloy thought not to have a use in scan science: cesium-rubidium.  We have never used this alloy because of its volatility, and its apparent lack of application.

These cesium-rubidium devices did not need emitters, but instead detected natural phenomena.  Due to the particular structure of the alloy used, the molecules give off certain radiation frequencies in the presence of certain subspace-related phenomena.  These phenomena are gravitational waves, temporary subspace portals, and most importantly, jump nodes.

The current method of Jump node detection occurs for nodes that are sufficiently close enough to their parent star to affect the path of stellar radiation.  The Strikehaser limit is the point at which such radiation is so sparse that its redirection is not detectable by our scanners, about 1.5 billion miles away from a Sol-type star.  With this new technology we can detect jump nodes up to the short jump limit approximately 2.5 billion miles away from a sol-type star.  The only trouble is that these jump nodes could only be detected from a certain distance away.  This distance cannot be known until we attempt to harness the technology ourselves, but a good estimate –“

Vega representative Xian Chi interrupts her, “Hold on, Dr. Hargrove. You mean that this will lead to the discovery of new jump nodes?”

Dr. Hargrove considers the question and then looks away from Representative Chi. “Jump nodes beyond 1.5 billion miles are rare but possible.  The estimated distance for detection –”

Representative Chi interrupts again, “So you don’t know.”

Dr. Hargrove sighs slightly and looks back at representative Chi, “There is no data that such nodes exist. However, their existence would provide an explanation for the sudden and untraceable appearance of the shivans, and for the lack of ruins for ancient species.”

Secretary-General Roman Gronchi, “Dr. Hargrove, this news is both welcome and unwelcome.  Is it then possible that the shivans are attacking Earth right now using jump nodes that we have never been able to discover?”

Dr. Hargrove, “The knossos portal has changed everything we know about subspace.  We can theoretically create and detect subspace portals that never before existed.  A shivan attack on earth can come through either of these methods, but so can a return to earth.”

The entire assembly remains silent.  Admiral Petrarch, in attendance, breaks the silence, “Representatives of the GTVA, the shivan threat is not one to be underestimated.  We made that mistake many times in the past few months, but I believe that through them we have gained something much more valuable.  From our odyssey into hell, we have returned with a gift, and it is my sincerest wish that this portal be constructed with the greatest urgency, and that contact be reestablished with our home system, if for no other reason than to assure the safety of our long-lost home.”

Emperor Khonsu II, [translation] “I concur with Admiral Petrarch.  This portal must be created to prevent the destruction of another populace, but there must also be a search for new jump nodes, to protect ourselves.  These new subspace scanners must be designed, mass produced, and deployed.  If the Security Council will agree, I propose that we create a new initiative to explore and colonize all new reachable systems from our realm of space.”

After a brief silence, Dr. Hargrove, a little flustered that the Vasudan Emperor has decided to comment, attempts to finish her report, “Esteemed Emperor, you must understand, these are short-range detection devices.  It would take decades to scan that much space.”

Emperor Khonsu, “Then we must begin now and find ways to make it more efficient.  Great tasks are not accomplished with timidity.”
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 03:07:54 am by Cyborg17 »


Offline Cyborg17

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Re: Alpha Andromedae 3/11/13 Last Update [Fan-Fiction]
Here's the next part.  I have at least 3 more parts already written, and I'm clear on where I'm going, I just don't know how much I want to write in between.  For example, I just wrote the last third of this part, but there are other parts I haven't posted which have been written for weeks.

Part 3:

Time: 9 days after Capella, Place: Vega-Deneb jump node

Alison Thomas on the GTT Anderson, “All I want is a destination!  I’ve got three hundred angry and hungry refugees on board, and I don’t think that we can take being cooped up like this for much longer!”

Roy Preston on comm from the GTC Galen about 3500 meters away, “We simply do not have a set place to send you.  I have sent a request to headquarters.  Please ask your passengers to be patient!  You are not the only ones in this situation!”

Alison Thomas, “That’s not good enough.  There’s real danger going on in here!  We’ve got a lot of angry people.  We’ve had three fights over food already.  Get your **** sorted out!”

Time: 10 days after Capella, Place: Aurora Station, above Vega III, home of Vega System Government and permanent headquarters for 4th fleet

Alan Ren head of the refugee relocation effort, reports to the Vegan government, “Representative, Chi, we have approximately twenty thousand refugees without temporary homes remaining. All the possible locations in Vega, Deneb, Beta-Aquilae, Delta Serpentis have been used.  This influx has caused us to be at 175% of our recommended population.  We simply do not have enough habitable worlds to hold everyone.”

Representative Xian Chi, “What non-local options do we have?”

Alan Ren, “The only systems capable of holding more citizens are Luyten 726-8 and Polaris. I’ve been in contact with their representatives.  Because of the …  relationship … we have with Polaris, they have been giving us excuses to delay us.  The representative of Luyten 726-8 has expressed concerns over living conditions on the proposed sites.”

Representative Chi, “Tell them we don’t have a choice.  Find ways to take as many precautions as possible, but insist on them accepting the refugees.  They must have a place to stay so that we can start finding them all real homes.”

Time: 12 days after Capella, Place: Vega outer reaches

A negotiation between black market traders in a Elysium transport and pirates on board a small station.  Trader Patrick O’Neal, “What did you get?”

Pirate Hugo Torres, “Prometheus Cannons, some warp drives.  Even got a Perseus.”

Pirate Audra Adimari, “You got what we asked for?”

O’neal, “Yeah, I’ve got what you want.  Spare parts, sensor arrays, steel girders, supplies, and a constructor drone.”

Adimari, “How much did it cost you?”

O’neal, “50000 Denarus.”

Torres, “Ok.  We’ll trade the Prometheus cannons and the warp drives.”

O’neal, “No sale, I won’t make any money on that deal. Maybe if you traded the perseus.”

Adimari, “No.  We’re keeping the perseus, one of the cannons, and a warp drive.”

O’neal, “I don’t see how you want me to make money.”

Torres, “We have some money to make up the difference.  10000 Denarus.”

O’neal, “15.”

Adimari, “Deal.”

After the transport docks, the exchange is made, and the traders jump out.

Adimari, “Stupid traders. A Perseus is worth 150K.  No way that was happening.”

Torres, “I’m just glad we lucked out.  We couldn’t be doing this without those signal jammers.”

Adimari, “Chaos is paying dividends for us.”
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 12:27:30 am by Cyborg17 »