Author Topic: Arachnoterrorism  (Read 19158 times)

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Offline T-LoW

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Spiders are awesome. I always leave one or two in my house so I'm not getting terrorized by those damn flies and other annoying insects.
The german Freespace-Galaxy

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Offline Retsof

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Just watched a fairly large wasp get taken down after it got caught in a web outside my window, by a tiny spider using hit-and-run tactics and a **** load of tenacity.
WOO!  Root for the little guy!  (I hate wasps btw)

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I can't help but hear a shotgun cocking with this.


Offline Pred the Penguin

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Wasps are cool! Don't want them within 10 feet of me though...
What I really like are Dragonflies. Mid-air maneuvers FTW!


Offline jr2

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That and ~70 MPH.  :)


Offline Marcov

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Spider story! I work in a warehouse, filling orders. In the space around my work area, quite a few cellar spiders congregate, around the window, the light, and the wall board. There's also a perpetual line of ants (I assume the argentine species), coming in through a hole in the wall.
I generally don't bother any of the spiders, unless their webs start to encroach on my stuff. Well, today I decided that there were too many spiders and too many webs, and I didn't want them spawning any more. So I grabbed a nearly-empty can of Hot Shot Ant and Roach killer, and I went at it.
A quick spurt wiped out the line of ants, and they simply fell off the wall where they had their line. A single spurt per spider had a more interesting effect... They freaked out and started running/climbing away. They moved slowly though, like they were drunk. They couldn't seem to grab their own webs, a few of the bigger ones even got tangled.
After about a minute of writhing, most spiders just curled up and died. One big one though, got stuck in some fine strands of web, and just sat there on the wall. If I fanned it gently with a paper, it would squirm, and then rest again.
As I watched the spider, I saw one of its legs just drop off its body. And then another leg just up and fell off, and then another. At this point I started to feel a bit like a psychopath, so I had to put it out of its little spidery misery.

tl;dr version: Some insect poisons cause cellar spiders' legs to fall off as they die. It's fairly disturbing.

You didn't actually have to use insect poison. A mere water sprayer will cause those spiders to run away, and perhaps the ants too. Better that then see dead, mangled bodies of poor spiders and ants all over your place. Unless, of course, you are gratified.. :drevil:

I have this mild arachnophobia for cellar spiders. Of course I wouldn't want to go near the larger Huntsman spider, but those long legs, and the way they walk, is pretty freaky. Last time a generally small spider hung on its web near the shower. For several days  I didn't disturb it. But this time, somehow, a larger spider managed to get there. I decided it was too big and occupied most of the space where it hung, to the point that it was fairly near to the knob I turned to turn on the shower. So I just blew it, and it started frantically running amok, away from where it was. Well, I guess my blow was a tad too strong. But still, I didn't know where it was, for all I knew it might have just gone closer. So I got a dipper, filled it with some water, and threw it all over the area. Finally I saw it at the side of where the knob was, farther from where it once was. Finally, I waited for it to settle at another part of the web, a safe distance from the knob.

Just blow them and they actually will go away.

Curious, though, why do spiders curl their legs when they die?
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Curious, though, why do spiders curl their legs when they die?
Because they extend their legs by pumping fluids into them, like hydraulics. I guess when they die, they can't maintain pressure anymore, so the legs curl back into a sort of more neutral position.

And yeah, they had to die. Water will scare them away, but only temporarily. Then they'll come back and breed. And maybe I did want to leave spider corpses behind, as a warning...
And ants will not be affected by a spray of water at all, you'd have to wash them away completely, but there are still more ants behind them.


Offline Pred the Penguin

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I saw a very long-legged spider yesterday. We had a nice chat.


Offline FireSpawn

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I saw a very long-legged spider yesterday. We had a nice chat.
And I saw a Mr Long-Legged-Mack-Daddy on the T.V. this morning.

But in relation to our eight-legged future overlords, I walked into a large length of spider-silk that spanned about six foot and had high enough tensile strength to dig into my forehead and actually stop head movement until the rest of my body dragged it through.
If you hit it and it bleeds, you can kill it. If you hit it and it doesn't bleed...You are obviously not hitting hard enough.

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Offline Herra Tohtori

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This post does not involve arachnids, however it does involve a home invasion, squatting, and a critter with jointed legs, so I will regale you with the story and pics.

Story is short: A potter wasp tried to make a nesting cell in the base of my Saitek X52 throttle. It had lined the bottom of the hole with that paper-like substance to seal it (the joystick was on the table). This most likely happened while I was away from the room for several days, visiting my parents'. After I returned, I did notice some wasp activity - an occasional visitor - but paid no attention to it; such things sometimes happen.

This afternoon, though, I noticed something peculiar in the wasp's behaviour. It was carrying something - a morsel of some kind, and it walked head first into the hole on the base of the throttle, and when it came out it did not have it any more. I captured and evicted the insect, then proceeded to investigate the center of activity.

What I found was somewhat disconcerting - in fact one might say rustling was heard in the Jimmy deck - but on the other hand, this was fascinating! From the open top of the hole, I could catch a glimpse of seemingly immobile things which, in later investigation, proved to be small green caterpillars. After some containment measures (I closed the ventilation window) I lifted the throttle from the desk. There was a slight sound like very thin strip of paper being torn, and on the desk was a circular remain of the "bottom" of the nesting cell.

From the bottom of the hole, I could now clearly see small caterpillars. Many of them. I took pictures.

Click for full detail crop.

After verifying that there was no Mama Wasp lurking somewhere in the hole, I poked through it with a screwdriver, pushing the caterpillars out on a paper tissue, which I have at hand for just such occasions when I needed to squash a caterpillar. The caterpillars were totally out of it, they laid there mostly immobile - apparently, potter wasps paralyze the insects they bring for their larvae to feed on. I could see a momentary spasm of movement, but I suspect that was entirely involuntary. Before these victims of mother nature were euthanized, I took a picture of the grand total of the wasp's efforts:

The caterpillars were quickly and painlessly euthanized by sudden application of pressure on the tissue paper. Green goo came out.

Thus concludes my saga.

TL;DR: Was out of apartment for a few days, wasp infests my X52 throttle base, infestation continues unnoticed for a week, hidden in plain sight, while I use the throttle to play games.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 09:15:04 pm by Herra Tohtori »
There are three things that last forever: Abort, Retry, Fail - and the greatest of these is Fail.


Offline StarSlayer

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Man I was hoping the larva had been laid inside the caterpillars and were going to burst forth before your eyes.
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Offline An4ximandros

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 :Looks at thread:

 You are a week late; I had messed up my sleep cycle two weeks ago, I already fixed it. Thanks for the effort though.

 PS: Thanks for reminding me a centipede tried to make a nest inside my PC case, dAmmit.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 12:22:22 pm by An4ximandros »


Offline Dragon

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Looks like you've now hardware debugger. :) Seriously, I've had wasp nests in the garden and in a house wall, but never in a throttle. It's a good thing CH stuff doesn't really have vents, but you still made check the bottom. :)


Offline watsisname

The caterpillars were quickly and painlessly euthanized by sudden application of pressure on the tissue paper. Green goo came out.

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Slowly we crawl in the dark.
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Offline deathfun

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Man I was hoping the larva had been laid inside the caterpillars and were going to burst forth before your eyes.

First thing that popped in my head



Offline Black_Yoshi1230

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Now I have the urge to watch "The Runaway Bride" again (the Doctor Who 2006 xmas special).
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