Author Topic: Cutscene Soundtracks  (Read 1011 times)

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Offline Luis Dias

  • 211
Cutscene Soundtracks
Good morning, HLP'ers. :)

I do remember to know that the soundtracks of FS2's cutscenes were available per se without the aditional effects and voice overs that we get in the ogg files. However I cannot find them. Any good soul over here with a good memory bank remembers where this asset is, who has it, where is it, etc.? Thanks!


Offline BritishShivans

  • Jolly good supernova
  • 29
Re: Cutscene Soundtracks
I found the FS2 ending music on FS2Sector. It's under the music section somewhere. Dan Wentz actually uploaded it, too. There is also the FS1 intro music, but it's file is an older version of the MP3 format, MP2 I believe.


Offline Luis Dias

  • 211
Re: Cutscene Soundtracks
Thanks BritishShivans, that's what I was looking for :yes:!