Author Topic: FLAGS! FLAGS EVERYWHERE!  (Read 7459 times)

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Offline Pilot Solaris

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Hello, and welcome to my gallery of flags! I made each of the flags on my own using Emkay-MLP's MLP insigniae. If you like them, you can get more detailed descriptions (and you can download them) over at my deviantART, where I've got most of them uploaded.

DISCLAIMER: If you are actually fluent in Latin and are appalled by mine, I apologize profoundly as Google Translate is a bith...

First and foremost is the Solar Empire flag.

Ad a Clarior Futura: (Lat.) Towards a Brighter Future. (Yeahhh....)
Font used: Elemental End (it's a cool looking font.)

Textless Solar Empire flag:

Second is the New Lunar Republic flag.

Luna Nobis Custodit: (Lat.) The Moon will Provide. (note: it should be Luna NOS Custodit, but I DO NOT CARE!)
Font used: Gunship (same as in Code Lyoko, in fact!)

Textless New Lunar Republic flag:

Next is the United Confederation of Equestria flag (using the United Equestria insignia).

Semper Liberi: (Lat.) Ever Free. (Like the forest!)
Font used: BankGothic MD BT (but you should've already known that by now, after all you guys DO play Freespace, right?)

Textless United Confederation of Equestria flag:

Then it's the flag of the Changeling Swarm!

Una Cum Examine: (Lat.) One with the Swarm. (Get your minds out of the gutters, geez Also a fitting motto for the Borg.)
Font used: Face Your Fears

Textless Changeling Swarm flag:

Now it's the flag of the Order of Chaos (using the Order of Discord insignia)!

Ut in Eius Abstentia: (Lat.) Order in its absence. (THIS FLAG SCARES ME, BY THE WAY.  :nervous:)
Font used: Cold Night For Alligators

Textless Order of Chaos flag:

Next up, is the flag of the Griffin Empire (This one is really cool, I think. It also uses The insignia of the Griffin Kingdom.).

Vigilantia et Fides: (Lat.) Vigilance and Loyalty.
Font used: USS Dallas

Textless Griffin Empire flag:

After that is the Crystal Empire's flag.

Libertas in Crystallum: (Lat.) Liberty in Crystal.
Font used: Spy Agency

Textless Crystal Empire flag:

Now for the flag of the Sombratic Empire!

Mors Obidentiam: (Lat.) Obedience or Death.
Font used: Digital Anarchy

Textless Sombratic Empire flag:

Now for the United Canid-Equestrian Federation (UCEF) 15th Assault Fleet's flag (which uses the Twilight Alicorn insignia).

Ad Eundum Nemo quo Ante iit: (Lat.) To Boldly go where no one has gone Before. (WOO STAR TREK REFERENCES!)
Font used: BankGothic MD BT

Textless United Canid-Equestrian Federation 15th Assault Fleet flag:

The next three flags (okay, six if you count their textless counterparts, but...) I made for my Star Trek Online fleet, the United Equestria Space Force (UESF), and all of them use the United Equestria insignia.

First is the flag of the UESF.

In Unum Fidem, Est in Duas Partes Separatas: (Lat.) United in One Purpose, Separate in Two Factions.
Font used: BankGothic MD BT

Textless UESF flag:

Second is the flag of the Guardians of Equestria, the Federation-Side Faction of the UESF.

Ubi Aquilarum non Fugis Invernis Nobis Lati: (Lat.) Where Eagles will not Fly You will Find us Soaring (SO HARDCORE...).
Font used: USS Dallas Light, Light

Textless Guardians of Equestria flag:

Finally is the flag of the Night Guards of Equestria, the Klingon-Side Faction of the UESF.

Non Est Inhonoratio in Proelio: (Lat.) There is no Dishonor in Battle.
Font used: Space Ranger

Textless Night Guards of Equestria flag:

And that's all of them! I hope you like them!
Though Discord reigns and no one is free, remember these words, and you shall see--Generosity, Laughter, Honesty, Kindness, Magic, Loyalty--that through all things good will be.  UNLEASH THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY! --The Creed of Harmony
We have to give everything--even if that means our lives.  We will stop at nothing.  We will fight... for the lost! --Cmdr. Shepard, Mass Effect 2 / I know why the Ancient Ones were destroyed, and I know what they knew.  I knew that if it were not for the Shivans they would've perished long before.  Without the Shivans someone would've discovered the Ancient Ones in their infancy and eliminated them, just as surely as they eliminated countless billions of others.  I believe that it is only the destroyers that are killed.  The Shivans are the Great Destroyers, but they are also the Great Preservers.  That is why when we moved into space there was no one powerful enough to kill us.  Long had we been the destroyer--our turn had nearly come.  In the Vasudan War we learned how to adapt, we learned how to study our enemy, we learned how to overcome, and we learned how to survive.  And so we did.  All the Jump Nodes to Earth are gone, but the Shivans can rebuild them.  I am told we can expect them again, but not in my lifetime.  Such is liberation. --The Player Character at the end of Descent  Freespace:  The Great War / There is little left for us.  Little time.  But much irony.  We did discover that they are not invulnerable.  The destroyers that darkened our skies like a plague can be harmed--but we have no way to deliver the hurt.  We have the knowledge, but not the means.  And so this is our legacy:  In Subspace they cannot use their shields.  And into Subspace they can be tracked. --The final monologue of the Ancients in Descent Freespace:  The Great War


Offline Rodo

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I like the lunar republic one, nice stuff.
el hombre vicio...

I prefer the United Canid-Equestrian Federation 15th Assault Fleet flag. I like the wings on it.


Offline AtomicClucker

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Dem Sexy Flags - but one note: analogous color schemes and intensity. Problem with clashing colors is they generate stark contrast, don't be afraid to adjust the intensity down a notch. Also the pink/blue - nice setup, just a bit more tweaking on color relationships.

So far, sexy stuff, and you avoided papyrus, bane of all typographers and graphic designers.
Blame Blue Planet for my Freespace2 addiction.