Author Topic: doctor who christmas special aired, new milestones reached (spoilers duh)  (Read 3965 times)

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Offline Lorric

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Re: doctor who christmas special aired, new milestones reached (spoilers duh)
The Doctor's attitude towards the daleks is a very big problem too. Compare how he used to react to seeing the Daleks to now. Before it was fear, dread, gravity, revulsion. Now it's more like "Oh, ya back for more, eh boys? You're scared of me, aren't you. I'll soon clear you lot up no problem."

He has had about 400 years to get over his PTSD remember. The Doctor who was scared of the Daleks had just come out of the Time War. If anything the attitude he shows now is much, much closer to the Tom Baker era Doctor who would offer everyone a jelly baby even when in mortal peril.
He doesn't have to be scared of the daleks anymore. But I wish he'd take them seriously. If he's not going to take them seriously, why is anyone else?


Offline Flipside

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Re: doctor who christmas special aired, new milestones reached (spoilers duh)
Well the Timelords did actually start the Time War, not the Daleks. So it could be a fair point actually, the one time they broke their rules they ended up causing the greatest war the universe ever saw.

Funny thing is that from the point of view of the Daleks, the first shot in the Time War is the mirror image of The Terminator. An unstoppable, almost unbeatable, fleshy humanoid killing machine is sent back through time to destroy the future of a cyborg race. :p

Heh, it'd kind of have a continuity with the series as well, as The Pandorica Opens showed, other races are actually willing to ally with the Daleks in fear of a Timelord, and the Night of the Doctor stated that the other races were ready to attack Gallifrey if it appeared even before the Daleks arrived on the scene. That's the kind of terror Gallifrey generates now, maybe had they not created that fear, unleashed those forbidden weapons etc, those races would instead be uniting in fear of the Daleks?

Re: doctor who christmas special aired, new milestones reached (spoilers duh)
, and who was the 'some woman' who gave Clara the Tardis phone number,

A bit of a necro, but, I actually always thought it was Sally Sparrow from Blink, who IIRC runs an electronic store after the events.

Then again, she wouldn't have just given the most important phone number in the world to anyone... Hmm.