Author Topic: "Test flight", joystick and other questions  (Read 4603 times)

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"Test flight", joystick and other questions
Hey folks!

Just downloaded this game, and am basically still wrapping my head around the insane number of controls! That said, I am using a CH Pro Throttle, Combatstick and a Pro Pedal. Since FS2 only allows one controller, I am using the CM manager to make them all appear as one controller with multiple axes, sliders and buttons.

First question, does the game allow for only 4 axes? (Pitch/Turn/Yaw/Throttle) ? What about the other 2 degrees of freedom? Are the right/left/up/down thrusters digital only? I couldn't find a way to map an analog axis to them.

Second question, what is the different between "throttle" and "forward thrust"? Don't they both effectively do the same thing?

Finally, is there any way I can "freely roam"? Sort of a "test drive". At the end of the first tutorial, I am informed that I can just "fly around" and reach the navigation point for landing when I am done. I am basically looking for the equivalent of that, without having to go through the rest of the steps. I am trying to adjust my joystick sensitivities and the numerous buttons to get a feel for flying. Any suggestions?

That said, is joystick flight "better" or atleast "as accurate" and "efficient at the game" as the default M+KB setup? I am used to this HOTAS for atmospheric flight sim games, so I am still not fully comfortable with the "glide mode" and two extra degrees of freedom. Are there other HOTAS players (CH products or otherwise)? Are you able to keep up against other M+KB players?

(And I have searched other joystick threads here. Most refer to combining multiple devices as one, which CH manager does for me, and most others refer to Xbox360 controllers)


Offline karajorma

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Re: "Test flight", joystick and other questions
Second question, what is the different between "throttle" and "forward thrust"? Don't they both effectively do the same thing?

Throttle is sustained forward speed. Forward thrust will boost your speed up as long as you hold it, but the speed will then return to the speed set by your throttle afterwards.

Finally, is there any way I can "freely roam"? Sort of a "test drive". At the end of the first tutorial, I am informed that I can just "fly around" and reach the navigation point for landing when I am done. I am basically looking for the equivalent of that, without having to go through the rest of the steps. I am trying to adjust my joystick sensitivities and the numerous buttons to get a feel for flying. Any suggestions?

Open the mission designer and follow the quickstart on how to create a mission, just don't place the Cylon fighters. :D

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Re: "Test flight", joystick and other questions
Finally, is there any way I can "freely roam"? Sort of a "test drive". At the end of the first tutorial, I am informed that I can just "fly around" and reach the navigation point for landing when I am done. I am basically looking for the equivalent of that, without having to go through the rest of the steps. I am trying to adjust my joystick sensitivities and the numerous buttons to get a feel for flying. Any suggestions?

Somebody FRED'ed a mission exactly like that a while ago, in both co-op multiplayer and single-player versions.  The attachments have been removed from that topic, but the multiplayer version (I assume) is in the Quick and Dirty Mission Archive. If you'd prefer the single-player version, I have that. Here you go:

[attachment deleted by an evil time traveler]

Re: "Test flight", joystick and other questions
If you'd prefer the single-player version, I have that. Here you go:

That's awesome ! Perfect, thank you. Exactly what I was looking for.

Throttle is sustained forward speed. Forward thrust will boost your speed up as long as you hold it, but the speed will then return to the speed set by your throttle afterwards.

hmm ok makes sense. It is just that while playing I realized that afterburner, thrusters and forward thrust all move my ship in the exact same direction anyway and have been having a hard time wrapping my head around when to use what effectively.

Re: "Test flight", joystick and other questions
I actually just started using the same control setup.  It'd be nice if I could map translation controls to one of the analogue hats or the throttle thumb stick, I agree, you get more control that way, but I was able to map them to one of the 4 way hats that acts like buttons (the left thumb hat right above the thumbstick), and it works ok.  The RCS thrusters are difficult to get your head around, in high speed combat, I imagine you'll probably be using the turboboost (afterburners) more then the forward thrust or forward RCS translation.  Turboboost is to give you more speed while the throttle is already firewalled.  RCS translations are best for relatively slow speed maneuvers, maybe landings.  I think the forward thrust is mostly for small boosts while formation flying, so you don't have to jockey the throttle as much.  If they ever added consumable fuels to this game, I'm sure all of these would make much more sense.

Re: "Test flight", joystick and other questions
Somebody FRED'ed a mission exactly like that a while ago, in both co-op multiplayer and single-player versions.  The attachments have been removed from that topic, but the multiplayer version (I assume) is in the Quick and Dirty Mission Archive. If you'd prefer the single-player version, I have that. Here you go:

[attachment deleted by an evil time traveler]
Any chance of a relink to this SP mission? All that seems to be on the quick-'n-dirty is the MP mission.


Offline jr2

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Re: "Test flight", joystick and other questions
Upload them here when you find them (or link / PM me and I'll do it):   login info is listed at the bottom of said page.  Then post the link back here for those who follow after.


Offline karajorma

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Re: "Test flight", joystick and other questions
Bear in mind that you can play coop player mission on your own. You don't actually need a second player.

You might find the balance a little hard though since the mission expected more players.

I don't seem to have the SP version of the mission but I'll look a little deeper on the hard drive tomorrow.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline jr2

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Re: "Test flight", joystick and other questions
If you know the file name (or part of it), you could use voidtool's Everything.  For finding files by name, by the time you finish typing, it has all of the results.  Don't know why MS Search can't do that.