Author Topic: Probably a newbie question...  (Read 1149 times)

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Probably a newbie question...
Hello all! I'm new to posting in these forums but I'm a big person on creating user made missions and using mods which is why I have come to you guys for help. I've been using the FRED for about a month now and at first it seemed like something from another planet but after the first couple days it's really simple and incredibly awesome.

Just today I tried to get custom user made ships into a mission I've been working on but I can't figure out a way to do it? I followed the steps in making a mod for Freespace but the user made ship still wont pop up in FRED am I missing something incredibly simple here or is it something a bit more?

Thanks for anyone who who replies and helps out!  :)

Update: Never mind guys I got it working. I think by a bit of a fluke though. Does anyone have a good idea to have multiple ships though?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 03:27:56 am by IIHylander »

Re: Probably a newbie question...
Alright, let's do the modder's check list:
- Make sure your mod is the selected active mod in the launcher
- Make sure all the data is in the right place:
  * Textures (typically .dds files) goes in <your mod>\data\maps
  * The model itself (it's a .pof file) goes into <your mod>\data\models
  * The ship's table (xx-shp.tbm) goes into <your mod>\data\tables
- Make sure the game isn't spewing any error or warning you need to worry about by launching the game with a Debug build
  * If the game does produce errors &/or warnings: Please post your fs2_open.log file.  Instructions on how to do this can be found in this post.
- If all that fails, post your ship's table here, we'll figure out what's wrong

Re: Probably a newbie question...
Alright, let's do the modder's check list:
- Make sure your mod is the selected active mod in the launcher
- Make sure all the data is in the right place:
  * Textures (typically .dds files) goes in <your mod>\data\maps
  * The model itself (it's a .pof file) goes into <your mod>\data\models
  * The ship's table (xx-shp.tbm) goes into <your mod>\data\tables
- Make sure the game isn't spewing any error or warning you need to worry about by launching the game with a Debug build
  * If the game does produce errors &/or warnings: Please post your fs2_open.log file.  Instructions on how to do this can be found in this post.
- If all that fails, post your ship's table here, we'll figure out what's wrong
Thank you for replying! I'll use that to help me out!