Author Topic: Resolution Issue  (Read 3323 times)

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Offline Baryon

  • 20
I can't get MCO 424 to function correctly. The resolution is glitchy in that the right side of the window is cut off before it should be. When trying to start a mission, I can only see half of the briefing before the screen gets cut off, and the "Launch" button is lost alongside all that info so I can't get beyond the briefing in any missions. The menus themselves are also misplaced and are centered sort of on the right half of the screen.

I tried to mess around with it to get it to work by altering the resolution (which had no noticeable effects) and by forcing it into windowed mode, but from there all I found was that the bottom portion of the window appears to extend downward indefinitely. I tried googling the issue, but still couldn't find a solution, so now I'm here... anyone know how I can fix this? I'm running Windows 7, screen resolution 1360x768.

I tried using the resolution detection patch posted a few topics down, but it did not fix the problem.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 10:18:07 pm by Baryon »


Offline jemy000

  • 22
I'm having the exact same problem, running windows 8.1.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Offline magic

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  • 211
Strange, it should work on 1366x768 without problems.

Can you get to options screen and force resolution?

Check the sticky MCO Q&A topic...


Offline jemy000

  • 22
Using forced resolution seems to have indirectly fixed the problem.  When I switched to that option the game starting giving me an error message that another program was blocking full screen mode despite having no other programs open.  I went into the config file and switched full screen to false, and now the game opens in a wide window that fits everything.  It's actually a little wider than my screen which is a bit annoying, but managable.  I have no idea what resolution this is- I tried many of the default options earlier and none helped, so I'm leery of messing with it more.

I'm attaching a ss of the problem.  Maybe it will help with resolving it in the future.

[attachment DELETED!! by Strong Bad]


Offline magic

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You can see game resolution at the bottom of the main menu.


Offline jemy000

  • 22
Don't know how I didn't notice that tidbit of info before, but it has made the problem clear.  Force resolution set the game to 1366x768.  If I don't select force resolution, no matter what I choose the game is switching back to 1024x768.  1024x768 shouldn't even be an option because it renders the game unplayable.


Offline magic

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Yes 1024x768 will not be an option any more.
I just dont understand why 1366x768 did not work if your desktop is set to 1366x768.

It works just fine on win7 for that resolution.

jemmy000: is it a laptop or PC.
 I found most such issues occur on laptops with two graphic card


Offline jemy000

  • 22
It's a PC.  The only graphics card is a GeForce GTX 760.

Magic pretty sure I saw that last time I did an MCO install, wasn't usable until I fiddled around and was able to get to the force res controls. I will check again with 536.