Author Topic: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?  (Read 3579 times)

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Offline g25

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Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
I have noticed that in the loadout screen for Fsport I see stats when I select a weapon like :

Moderate hull Damage
Low Shield damage
etc. But that doesn't really tell you anything.

But in the FS2 port you actually get the weapon stats like
Velocity, Range, DPS, etc.

Is there a mod to include the actual weapon stats into FSport/silent threat reborn/etc. anywhere? Is it possible to add this stuff? Thanks!


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
The goal of the FSPort is to represent the missions and interface in FS2 more or less as they appeared in FS1.  The stats as you describe them appear that way in FS1; thus we kept them the same way.

If you want to see the actual numbers involved, weapons.tbl is probably better than the in-game interface.  (Even in FS2, the descriptions weren't 100% accurate.  The FSUpgrade team corrected them in the MediaVPs.)

Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
Have you thought about slightly rewriting the weapon descriptions that outright lie to the player (e.g. Prometheus doing better shield damage than the Avenger) or is that outside your policy as well?
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
The Prometheus does do better shield damage than the Avenger on a shot-per-shot basis.  And I don't see which outright lies you are referring to.


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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
The Prometheus does do better shield damage than the Avenger on a shot-per-shot basis.
A 3% damage increase that is more than offset by the 1/6 reduction in firing rate; describing Prometheus's shield damage as "moderate" and the Avenger's as "low" is a misrepresentation at best.
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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
It's possible they wrote the description and then later decided to nerf the weapon due to balance or whatever, and forgot to revise the description.

As far as stats goes, I would think it would be possible to make a mod for FSPort to do what you want, but I don't know how hard it would be.  Probably not that hard just a little tedious?  But I'm guessing.  Goober could probably give you a better answer on that one.

If you want to try your hand at contributing, something like that's probably the easiest to start with I'm guessing, as it should just be text replacement.


Offline g25

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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
The goal of the FSPort is to represent the missions and interface in FS2 more or less as they appeared in FS1.  The stats as you describe them appear that way in FS1; thus we kept them the same way.

Ah, I see. Well yea it is the original stat info. Its just so poorly implemented in the original though that it seems like something that could have been thrown out and we would be better for it. Is it text that has to be entered manually? I can see how that would be tedious :)


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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
As Goober said, we're following the information from FS1 for FSPort. I guess this could be included in the FSPort MediaVPs for parity with the FS2 MVPs, but I can tell you now he's gonna have a problem with it.

If you'd like to put one together, though, making a Modular Weapons.tbl with the revised tech descriptions should be a piece of cake. Knock yourself out and share when you're done.
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
Actually, I wouldn't have a problem with changing the description from "light" to "moderate" (or whatever is appropriate) in the FSPort MediaVPs.  It's similar to the FS2 MediaVPs where they did things like change the types of fighters in SM1-02 and SM2-10 to match the mission dialogue.  What I have a problem with is the fact that the gameplay doesn't match the story.

But this is hardly the only such discrepancy; the most egregious example is the fact that the Shivan weapons in theory "are more powerful than anything in the GTA or PVE arsenal" but in practice are decidedly underwhelming.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
But this is hardly the only such discrepancy; the most egregious example is the fact that the Shivan weapons in theory "are more powerful than anything in the GTA or PVE arsenal" but in practice are decidedly underwhelming.
Don't those tech entries date back to the beginning of FS1, before better weapons became available?
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
The Shivan Light Laser is outclassed by the Avenger, which is under development at the time that statement is made in a command briefing.  And in FS2, the Kayser is said to be based on research into Shivan weapons technology.

Re: Weapon stats in loadout screen like in FS2 port?
Well, maybe it was referring to warship mounted weapons? Because even in FS1 Shivan blobs are better than Tev or Zod blobs and in FS2 their beams are just so far ahead.
As for the Kayser it's not too unreasonable to assume that Shivan weapons research led to some kind of big discovery that was used to enhance the already superior GTVA weapons. The Shivan Mega laser does have a bit more per-shot damage than the Kayser, it just fires 3 times slower.
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