Author Topic: Need advice on impossible mission?  (Read 3365 times)

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Offline Nef1

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Need advice on impossible mission?

First let me say I am incredibly impressed with this mod and have been enjoying it immensely! I can tell a lot of work has gone into this, it really shows.

I'd love to continue with the campaign but I'm having serious trouble with the mission 'The Will to Act' - the one where you have to go undercover as HoL fighters and plant charges in the fighter bay of the HoL base. First, it took me about 3 attempts through trial and error to convince their base not to send Cancer Wing to scan us. Eventually got that figured out, but now have another problem - I fly into the fighter bay and drop charges like I was told, only to immediately get a mission fail. What am I doing wrong - where am I meant to drop charges, exactly? Sorry if it's something obvious.

Again to the modders - thank you for this awesome work :)


Offline Nef1

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Re: Need advice on impossible mission?
This mod has got into my head! I actually dreamed about this mission last night. Weird stuff!


Offline xenocartographer

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Re: Need advice on impossible mission?
I assume you're not getting detected by Cancer wing but having Command yell at you for misplacing the charges, right? The waypoint is pretty finicky about what it considers close enough (it's arguably a bug). Try targeting the waypoint and getting your ship as close as you can before dropping the charges. After getting burned by that on my first run, I try to be within 20 meters.


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Need advice on impossible mission?
Wow. Chalk this one up to the mission designer knowing too perfectly how to beat the mission. I had no trouble with this for the many, many times I've played this mission.

I'll have to remember to expand the acceptable radius, because that's not a place where the player should end up failing.
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Offline Nef1

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Re: Need advice on impossible mission?
Ok, I'll give that a go next time I try it. Thanks guys! Probably later this evening... been playing Freespace for quite a while today already and am a little burnt out, hehe!


Offline Nef1

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Re: Need advice on impossible mission?
Hi again - that worked for me. I was being dense before and didn't notice there was an actual waypoint set up. I had been flying into the fighter bay and dropping the charges just by targeting the station's fighterbay itself! Sorry.

Also - bloody hell that mission was hard. Hardest mission I've flown in Freespace for a long time!


Offline Nef1

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Re: Need advice on impossible mission?
Hey again. Now I can't figure out how I'm supposed to get past the section that involves hacking. I just get access denied. I don't think it's a bug, just don't have any idea what I'm supposed to actually do! :(

EDIT: nevermind, it was a bug. I tried it again and did the exact same thing, and this time it worked.

I followed Alpha 3's instructions when he said to go into Local and then try override/enable admin both times. The first time, I had actually typed it before he finished saying it; these commands would do nothing. This time I waited for him to finish speaking before trying it, and it worked and I continued following instructions. So basically I was being penalised for being too fast a typer :)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 04:22:43 pm by Nef1 »