Author Topic: The Motion Debris?  (Read 2154 times)

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Has there been any efforts in enhancing the motion debris graphics? Make it higher res? Randomized graphics? Mission specific motion debris? 3D motion debris like in Rogue Leader?


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Has there been any efforts in enhancing the motion debris graphics?
Not that I'm aware of; presumably because most people just turn it off. Nothing would help improve it faster than somebody willing to work on it.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

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<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Novachen

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As far as i know the SCP uses already a motion debris with higher resolution by default.
In MVP_2012 it was part of mv_effects as it is stated in the readme.
Even no information is given in the MVP_2014 readme about that.

But also with 2014 the motion debris is completely different to retail, it should be still the same that was present in 2012 (and at least also in MVP_2010 afair)

And i am playing with Motion Debris, because i like the game more this way.

I am not knowing about a mission specific debris, but there are many mods/campaigns out there, which have their own motion debris. So it is atleast a mod-specific feature.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 03:45:05 am by Novachen »
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Offline Spoon

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I also play with motion debris, because I like the feel for speed. Without motion debris everything feels awfully slow.

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Vidmaster

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Never playing with that ugly thing, I like my vast emptiness of space empty, thank you :-)

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