Author Topic: Bug report: conflation of Pi and Pisces wings  (Read 665 times)

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Bug report: conflation of Pi and Pisces wings
Hello all. As I've been working on Vasudan Imperium I've come across a strange bug relating to when there is a wing in the mission named Pi, and one of the player wings is renamed to Pisces. The wingman indicator on the HUD seems to confuse the two.

Please download and run the following mission to see what I mean.

Code: [Select]
#Mission Info

$Version: 0.10
$Name:  XSTR("Of Pi and Pisces", -1)
$Author: Peter
$Created: 12/03/22 at 22:35:00
$Modified: 12/03/22 at 22:38:24
This is a FRED2_OPEN created mission.
$End Notes:

$Mission Desc:
 XSTR("Put mission description here
", -1)
+Game Type Flags: 1
+Flags: 0
+Fog Near Mult: 1.000000

+Fog Far Mult: 1.000000

+Disallow Support: 0
+Hull Repair Ceiling: 0.000000
+Subsystem Repair Ceiling: 100.000000

+Viewer pos: 0.000000, 552.511353, -796.600281
+Viewer orient:
1.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000,
0.000000, 0.819086, 0.573671,
0.000000, -0.573671, 0.819086

$Starting wing names: ( "Aries" "Virgo" "Libra" )
$Squadron wing names: ( "Aries" "Virgo" "Libra" "Cancer" "Pisces" )
$Team-versus-team wing names: ( "Aries" "Zeta" )

$AI Profile: FS2 RETAIL

#Command Briefing

$num_stages: 0


$Num stages: 0

#Players ;! 1 total

$Starting Shipname: Aries 1
$Ship Choices: (
"GTF Ulysses" 5
"GTF Hercules" 5
"GTF Hercules Mark II" 5
"GTF Ares" 5
"GTF Erinyes" 5
"GTF Loki" 5
"GTF Pegasus" 5
"GTF Perseus" 5
"GTF Myrmidon" 5
"GTB Artemis" 5
"GTB Artemis D.H." 5
"GTB Medusa" 5
"GTB Ursa" 5
"GTB Zeus" 5
"GTB Boanerges" 5
"GVF Ptah" 5

+Weaponry Pool: (
"Subach HL-7" 16
"Mekhu HL-7" 24
"Akheton SDG" 16
"Morning Star" 16
"Prometheus R" 16
"Prometheus S" 16
"Maxim" 16
"UD-8 Kayser" 16
"Circe" 16
"Lamprey" 16
"Rockeye" 540
"Tempest" 500
"Hornet" 500
"Tornado" 500
"Harpoon" 500
"Trebuchet" 500
"TAG-A" 500
"TAG-B" 500
"Piranha" 500
"Stiletto II" 540
"Infyrno" 500
"Cyclops" 500
"Helios" 500
"EMP Adv." 500

#Objects ;! 8 total

$Name: Aries 1 ;! Object #0
$Class: GVF Seth
$Team: Friendly
$Location: 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
$AI Behavior: None
$Cargo 1:  XSTR("Nothing", -1)
+Initial Hull: 100
+Subsystem: Pilot
$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( false )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Determination: 10
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" "player-start" )
+Flags2: ( )
+Respawn priority: 0
+Score: 8

$Name: Aries 2 ;! Object #1
$Class: GVF Seth
$Team: Friendly
$Location: -103.684692, -0.000183, -98.479401
1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
$AI Behavior: None
$Cargo 1:  XSTR("Nothing", -1)
+Initial Hull: 100
+Subsystem: Pilot
$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( false )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Determination: 10
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
+Flags2: ( )
+Respawn priority: 0
+Score: 8

$Name: Aries 3 ;! Object #2
$Class: GVF Seth
$Team: Friendly
$Location: 101.725815, 0.000000, -99.842133
1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
$AI Behavior: None
$Cargo 1:  XSTR("Nothing", -1)
+Initial Hull: 100
+Subsystem: Pilot
$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( false )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Determination: 10
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
+Flags2: ( )
+Respawn priority: 0
+Score: 8

$Name: Aries 4 ;! Object #3
$Class: GVF Seth
$Team: Friendly
$Location: 1.892137, -0.000244, -200.345886
1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
$AI Behavior: None
$Cargo 1:  XSTR("Nothing", -1)
+Initial Hull: 100
+Subsystem: Pilot
$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( false )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Determination: 10
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
+Flags2: ( )
+Respawn priority: 0
+Score: 8

$Name: Pi 1 ;! Object #4
$Class: GTF Hercules
$Team: Friendly
$Location: -492.988281, 0.000183, 482.824158
1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
$AI Behavior: None
$Cargo 1:  XSTR("Nothing", -1)
+Initial Velocity: 33
+Initial Hull: 100
+Subsystem: Pilot
$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( false )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Determination: 10
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
+Flags2: ( )
+Respawn priority: 0
+Use Table Score:
+Score: 10

$Name: Pi 2 ;! Object #5
$Class: GTF Hercules
$Team: Friendly
$Location: -575.829102, 0.000183, 641.190613
1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
$AI Behavior: None
$Cargo 1:  XSTR("Nothing", -1)
+Initial Velocity: 33
+Initial Hull: 100
+Subsystem: Pilot
$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( false )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Determination: 10
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
+Flags2: ( )
+Respawn priority: 0
+Use Table Score:
+Score: 10

$Name: Pi 3 ;! Object #6
$Class: GTF Hercules
$Team: Friendly
$Location: -428.811249, 0.000183, 614.213928
1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
$AI Behavior: None
$Cargo 1:  XSTR("Nothing", -1)
+Initial Velocity: 33
+Initial Hull: 100
+Subsystem: Pilot
$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( false )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Determination: 10
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
+Flags2: ( )
+Respawn priority: 0
+Use Table Score:
+Score: 10

$Name: Pi 4 ;! Object #7
$Class: GTF Hercules
$Team: Friendly
$Location: -508.840454, 0.000183, 782.118103
1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
$AI Behavior: None
$Cargo 1:  XSTR("Nothing", -1)
+Initial Velocity: 33
+Initial Hull: 100
+Subsystem: Pilot
$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( false )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Determination: 10
+Flags: ( "cargo-known" )
+Flags2: ( )
+Respawn priority: 0
+Use Table Score:
+Score: 10

#Wings ;! 2 total

$Name: Aries
$Waves: 1
$Wave Threshold: 0
$Special Ship: 0 ;! Aries 1

$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( true )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Ships: ( ;! 4 total
"Aries 1"
"Aries 2"
"Aries 3"
"Aries 4"
+Flags: ( )

$Name: Pi
$Waves: 1
$Wave Threshold: 0
$Special Ship: 0 ;! Pi 1

$Arrival Location: Hyperspace
$Arrival Cue: ( true )
$Departure Location: Hyperspace
$Departure Cue: ( false )
$Ships: ( ;! 4 total
"Pi 1"
"Pi 2"
"Pi 3"
"Pi 4"
+Flags: ( )

#Events ;! 0 total

#Goals ;! 0 total

#Waypoints ;! 0 lists total

#Messages ;! 0 total

#Reinforcements ;! 0 total

#Background bitmaps ;! 0 total

$Num stars: 500
$Ambient light level: 7895160
+Nebula: Nebula01
+Color: Blue
+Pitch: 248
+Bank: 183
+Heading: 188

#Asteroid Fields


$Event Music: None
$Briefing Music: None


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Re: Bug report: conflation of Pi and Pisces wings
I don't know whether this may help or not, but I do have the opposite occurrence in Series Resurrecta (player wing named Pi, enemy wing named Pisces) and I have never experienced any of these issues.

The wingman indicator clearly shows "PI" as it's just two letters, not "PIS" which in this case would be short for "Pisces".
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Re: Bug report: conflation of Pi and Pisces wings
Eugh, this was the result of a previous bugfix that introduced an even more subtle bug.  I think I can fix it though.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Bug report: conflation of Pi and Pisces wings