Author Topic: Demo build  (Read 4414 times)

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Offline EdrickV

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That wouldn't do a whole lot of good right now as I can't even compile the source code anymore. :)
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Offline Inquisitor

Email from WM from a while back on what files you need to get this working with the  Babylon Project:

"List of files needed to play TBP's 1st mission with fs2_open (I seem to
remember a problem with the weapons/ship selection, though)


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Offline penguin

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At the risk of restating the obvious:

The format for a few tbls have changed between demo and retail (weapons and medals seem to be the culprits, IIRC).  I don't think table size has anything to do with it, since all of the demo tables are smaller than the retail ones, I would assume...

Can we modify the demo VPs if we can narrow down the  differences?  I don't know what the legal issue w/ distributing the demo files are, let alone "hacked" demo files...

Also, I think the checksumming thing is only for multiplayer, to make sure someone isn't using hacked tbl files.  It shouldn't affect SP gameplay.
your source code slave


Offline Inquisitor

Yeah, but the reason this came back up was the people were able to use the demo build option to make it compatible, I thought we might do the same thing if nothing else :)

Maybe DTP's mod support can help us somehow...
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Offline DTP

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Originally posted by Inquisitor
Yeah, but the reason this came back up was the people were able to use the demo build option to make it compatible, I thought we might do the same thing if nothing else :)

Maybe DTP's mod support can help us somehow...

indeed, I just managed to get it to read VP files from the mod directory.(first come, first served). a golden rule for vp files

There are still issues however, as it is right now it will look for this path in the VP file.


and thats not good.

furthermore, if someone uses an incorret arguement(if the mod directory does not have the player directories or the mod directory do not exist then as it is right now, then, source will "bail".

i plan to make it so if not found, create does directories.

Actually,the mod directory and the subdirectires player/single(multi)(squad) Must exist or the source will bail.

and i plan to make it so, that if not found, create them, in the mod directory.

But i need to be carefull, since we are talking about writing stuff to the players Hard-disk now, but since we are "only" talking about creating subdirectories and not actual files, that risk should be minimum.

it still needs a bit tweaking, but rest asure it is a reality, mod support almost like in Half-life is going to be added to FS2-SCP

This will eliminate the multiple user errors like playing with same pilot in different mods.

It will also eliminate the mess that a mission directory sometimes can become.

And yes, using it for the demo files is ceartinly possible, but I need to test some things here however. but it should not look for what not referenced in the TBL files. as long as a complete set of tbl files is there in the demo.

i just tested it with the fs1port, and yuppie, all GFX files, POF files, ANI files that is in the fs1.vp where used instead of the originals.

Even the mainhall pcx, ani files(my own custom ones) are read from the mod directory.

Modding will just be so much easier now, when i get this completed.
and i almost forgot. The old way still works.
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Offline Inquisitor

Anxiously awaiting this :)

You might want to committ work in progress, you know, in case soemthing happens :)
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Offline RandomTiger

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Originally posted by Inquisitor
Anxiously awaiting this :)

You might want to committ work in progress, you know, in case soemthing happens :)

Like what? He gets run over by a bus? Let him finish it first!

This doesnt mean freespace will work with the demo dtata only though does it?

Does it work by command line or can you switch in the campaign room with the same effect as well?

Either way, great work  :)


Offline Inquisitor

Yes, something like that. Or a hard drive crash, or a virus, or a "oops, I didn't mean to save that!!" or a bad copy/paste that overwrites good files, or a family member/roomate accidentally deleting something, or... Oh, you get the picture :)

As a rule, I prefer more often committs.

That's the way CVS is supposed to be used. You don;t have to agree with the philosophy ;) But that is my preference and the thing that works the best in my years of software project experience. It backs the data up somewhere other than your PC, and it has the side benefit that other people can get a sneak peak :)
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