Author Topic: DX8 branch need help  (Read 18349 times)

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Offline RandomTiger

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CODERS ONLY: DX8 branch need help
Originally posted by wamingo
Tried out the DX8 build now... Played several missions and found no crashes or oddities... seems you guys know your stuff :)

Well, you are GF owner so it was always going to be OK for you, seems theres still a few problems on other systems.


Will alt+tab ability come back?
I'd appreciate it a lot if it was possible as I use it all the time :)

Its listed as a bug so it should get sorted out. My video code still switches so its high priority to keep it working with that. In short, yes.


I feel loading time has gone up a notch, especially during start and exit of the game.

However it seems like the mouse lag in the menu's I had in the original and the old opensource-build is virtually gone. That was nice.

These two things are related, the game does more preloading so it doesnt have to be pushing stuff around when its meant to be displaying things.

The loading code is quite stupid and frees stuff it needs and then reloads it, if someone was to sort this out it would load a damn sight quicker, particurally between missions.


hope this was the right thread to post those thoughts...

Not really, but who cares :)