Author Topic: Something for the maybe-to-do list  (Read 1524 times)

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Offline S-110

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Something for the maybe-to-do list
Hi folks, I'll be the first to admit I have little understanding of programming, so I have no Idea how to fix this one:

Currently all versions of FS2, or even copied installs that I've tried do not treat the display of ship tables the same.  Let me try to explain: A ship table that works fine in one installation displays the table differently in the tech room on a different install (all other things equal).  There are usually diffences in which ships are shown.  Is this sort of mutation fixable? :confused:

Is it possible to get FS2 to have a uniform treatment of the tech room?
The best laid plans o' mice and men gang aft aglay.


Offline Exarch

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Something for the maybe-to-do list
What you see in the techroom is dependant on where you are in the main FS2 campaign, if it's the first time playing through. Are the different installations at the same point in the campaign?


Offline S-110

  • 24
Something for the maybe-to-do list
Yep - will have to check to make sure when I get home from work, but seems to be the same results for all pilots.  One install was a direct copy of the installation folders of another - got odd results there too.
The best laid plans o' mice and men gang aft aglay.


Offline CP5670

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The tech room information is actually stored in the pilot files and rewritten based on campaign progress. The best way to get the tech room to do what you want here (if you are making a campaign) is to make the first mission in your campaign have an event that fires immediately (using the true condition) and which uses the tech-add-ships operator to add in whatever ships you want to show at the beginning. This way, when the campaign is started, all of the ships you wanted will show up in the tech room for that player. Note that if you are including all or most of the ships in the game, you will have to split them into multiple tech-add-ships operators within the event, since if you put them all into the same one, some operator limit gets exceeded and the mission does not load properly in the game or fred2.

By the way, does anyone know whether that in-tech-database table flag actually does anything? Some of the ships/weapons in the original V tables have that, but I couldn't get it to do anything at all with my own stuff.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2003, 02:50:11 pm by 296 »


Offline Goober5000

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Something for the maybe-to-do list
Yes, in-tech-database works, but since almost every time a new pilot is created the default FS2 tables are installed, it's hardly noticeable.

Incidentally, this issue has been fixed in fs2_open.  There's now a new check box in the Campaign editor that clears the tech database when you start the campaign.


Offline karajorma

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Something for the maybe-to-do list
Originally posted by Goober5000
Yes, in-tech-database works, but since almost every time a new pilot is created the default FS2 tables are installed, it's hardly noticeable.

Incidentally, this issue has been fixed in fs2_open.  There's now a new check box in the Campaign editor that clears the tech database when you start the campaign.

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