Author Topic: modles  (Read 3401 times)

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Offline boewolf

  • 28
What kind of look are u trying to achive for the terran race??  as u may have seen that i kinda got into the traditional planes at the moment.  i have a few more on the works but hey its your mod so its your say, if u want some planes give me a shout.


Offline Solatar

  • 211
Well, if you would like to make some spacey looking planes that would be nice. How far can you go? All the way to .pof would be awesome.

Send me or Goober what you can do, just no F-16 looking things:D


Offline boewolf

  • 28
I could send pof's but they wouldn't be textured.  so there is little point in sending pof's.  I will send some stuff off some time soon.  I also haven't been able to put names to fighter planes, so feel free to omit any F-16 looking stuff.  I am working on improving my texturing skills so i will send some textured pof's if i can make anything decent enough.


Offline boewolf

  • 28
I sent a batch off.  i was just wondering if one of u has received the cobs.


Offline Solatar

  • 211
Who did you send it to?


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
  • 214
    • Goober5000 Productions
All I got were two TGA pics.  No COBs.


Offline Solatar

  • 211
Goober, can you mail the pics to me so I can take a look at what sort of stuff beowolf is doing?


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
  • 214
    • Goober5000 Productions
Er - I deleted them.  They weren't much to look at, though... just a plane and a carrier.

I'm assuming that the email with the COBs attached never made it through.


Offline boewolf

  • 28
Ok.  Well i am still learning the modleing side of things.  but hey i can't get better without showing someone what i have done and get some critisizum from what i have done.  but if all the cobs didn't get to u i can send them again if u wish.


Offline Goober5000

  • HLP Loremaster
  • 214
    • Goober5000 Productions