Author Topic: Where I can get?  (Read 2830 times)

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Offline modis

  • 24
Is there place where I can get TBP ships models, missions or somthing.
Because it really boring to make missions on FRED with such variety of ships :( And I couldn't find anything in intrnet

And one more thing. Well I think it is in FRED totorials or somewhere but I'm some lazy to search it.

Is there any way to make Sharlin fire his beams to fighters automaticly then they attacks him or are close enough not by separate event for each fighter.


Offline karajorma

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The best Walkthrough for FRED actually comes with it. Check the help menu and do the walkthrough inside. It will answer most if not all of your FRED questions. There is some additional help available in my FAQ on the FRED page (and another walkthrough).

All this stuff is designed for FS2 but it isn't hard to adjust it to TBP.

If you like FS2 as well as TBP I strongly suggest you read up on the
FRED Academy I'm running. Sign-ups are available here . The idea is that after going through the academy you'll be good enough that FREDding TBP missions will be easy :)

As for new missions for TBP there are quite a few floating about. Look for a post by Miburo and try his Tales of the EAS Janos campaign.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline modis

  • 24
I hope it is. Now I'm not at home but then I tryed to open about->help I got error ;/ I have cuted version of FS2. I hope it is somewhere there.


Offline karajorma

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If you don't have them (People with the Home of the Underdogs version don't as far as I know) Simply unpack this file to your Freespace2\data folder
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]


Offline redmenace

  • 211
Originally posted by karajorma

The best Walkthrough for FRED actually comes with it. Check the help menu and do the walkthrough inside. It will answer most if not all of your FRED questions. There is some additional help available in my FAQ on the FRED page (and another walkthrough).

All this stuff is designed for FS2 but it isn't hard to adjust it to TBP.

If you like FS2 as well as TBP I strongly suggest you read up on the
FRED Academy I'm running. Sign-ups are available here . The idea is that after going through the academy you'll be good enough that FREDding TBP missions will be easy :)

As for new missions for TBP there are quite a few floating about. Look for a post by Miburo and try his Tales of the EAS Janos campaign.

This might be the perfect opportunity to sharpen my own skills and recruit individuals to help with my future TBP campaign. :drevil:
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Offline modis

  • 24
Thanx karajorma I haven't it. Now I will be able to learn something normal :D Not just studying others missions and then creating my own :D It hard to learn this way

But is anywhere normal completed ships models. CR, shadows or Vorlons?
« Last Edit: September 06, 2004, 05:09:44 am by 2190 »


Offline Setekh

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Offline modis

  • 24
Thanx, but I'll be here not often. Have problems with internet. I check forum from school.