Author Topic: Weirdness with aseffects.vp  (Read 1167 times)

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Offline Ranavin

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Weirdness with aseffects.vp
First of all, getting the formalities out of the way...the system in question is running W2K, using a Radeon 9200 Pro and the latest-as-of-last-week Catalyst; the version of Freespace 2 is 1.20, and that of FS2O, 3.6. The VPs are fresh from Warpcore yesterday.
'core', 'hieffects', 'models', and 'kpack' behave as expected.
'textures' works fine under D3D, but results in everything recieving the white no-such-texture in OGL; this is probably attributable to a driver flaw.
'effects' has a similar problem, working fine in D3D but causing missile trails to vanish in OGL.
'aseffects' is the weird part, though. If I use it, it shows the following symptoms:
- no missile weapons are present in the loadout screen.
- attempting to select a missile hardpoint (they appear empty) causes the game to exit without warning and without explanation.
- in flight, missiles (despite what the loadout screen says, you start with the default missile load) behave as extremely-high-velocity projectiles that inflict massive damage (enough to instantly destroy a shielded fighter or severely damage a corvette or transport), unguided, with no trails and a reload time of about 30 seconds between shots.
I have no idea what could cause this other than weapons.tbl insanity, but I unpacked it from the VP and took a look and it seems to be fine.
The same things happen, by the way, if I use the zpack rather than the seperate VPs.


Offline WMCoolmon

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Weirdness with aseffects.vp
mediaVP 3.6.5 is meant for use with 3.6.5 :p

The problem is that the 3.6 version of the pilot files don't work well with differences in .tbl files.

taylor knows best (he upgraded the pilot files to fix problems like this.)

I think what you want to do, though, is to take aseffects out, run 3.6.5, then put mv_aseffects back in the directory and use fs2_open (3.6.5) as usual.

Make a backup of your pilot files first the conversion process will delete your old pilot files and replace them with new versions, so if you don't make a backup you won't be able to go back to 3.6 without starting everything over again (Until a devolution program is finished).


Offline taylor

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Re: Weirdness with aseffects.vp
Originally posted by Ranavin
'textures' works fine under D3D, but results in everything recieving the white no-such-texture in OGL; this is probably attributable to a driver flaw.

Like WMCoolmon said the newer MediaVPs should only be used with version 3.6.5.  FSO 3.6 had several OpenGL bugs that prevented some DDS graphics from being shown and be white.  The was later fixed but since the 3.6.5 MediaVPs make much heavier use of DDS you are seeing the problem in 3.6.  Many ships textures and missile trails as well as numerous other effects are DDS now so most, if not all, of them won't show up in 3.6 under OpenGL.

As far as the strange missile behavior goes I would lean towards a pilot file corruption from changing the tables.  Just using a newer build with the new pilot files will not fix this.  You need to go back to using the last set of tables that worked for you *before* trying to upgrade the pilot file.  The pilot upgrade process is automatic, it will happen when you first use a pilot with a new build.  Be sure to have a backup of all of your pilot files in case the existing corruption is too much for the conversion process to deal with.  As long as you have a working set of tables for the conversion process to use though it should work fine and be able to adapt to table changes in the future.


Offline Drew

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Weirdness with aseffects.vp

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My god.. He emptied the gasoline tank from the van onto your cat, lit him on fire, threw him in the house and dove for cover.  :wtf: Family indeed.  ~ KT

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Offline terren

  • 27
Weirdness with aseffects.vp
nice bug though, railguns :D
Proud user of wings 3-D

Mad? Oh yes quite mad.

Weirdness with aseffects.vp
I had this problem by chance when I first discovered Freespace Source Code Project, my secondary weapons in "A Lion at the door" were ultra High velocity cannons that wasted the Rakshasa guarding the Knossos in seconds. :D


Offline pecenipicek

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Weirdness with aseffects.vp
quadruple ultra-mega-super-optimal Maxim's as primarys :D
happened to me once in Retail...... it was the second mission
i actually waxed the iceni...
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