Author Topic: Shocking new build  (Read 17556 times)

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Offline WMCoolmon

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Build updated.

- The HUD shield icon effect is crappy (IMHO). I'm not sure if I'll leave it in, since it technically does break backwards compatibility. and an ANI would look worlds better.
- The weapons selection screen is unstable. I'm not sure if it will start without crashing (probably not :p)
- The camera rotation code tries to enforce good behavior. That is, if you try to instantly start a camera moving, it will give it a start time of a second. (No such restriction exists for cuts) Starting off instantly is just plain ugly and artificial, although if you really need it I can code it in.
- There is no blended translation code (yet).
- The build crashes after every mission pretty regularly. Just restart FS2. It's annoying, but hopefully it'll be fixed.
- This build is not as optimized as the last, so it should run on more systems.
- The camera works correctly thanks to StratComm and phatosealpha. :D

Start the camera test mission and press the following keys in sequence:
1 will set the camera to the exact center of the map, facing forward
2 will make it turn to face the player ship, taking 10 seconds to do so and 3 seconds to accelerate, and 3 seconds to decellerate.
3 will make it turn to face forward again
4 will reset the camera back to the player ship

You'll have to enter SEXPs manually for now, unfortunately.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2005, 03:18:45 am by 374 »