Author Topic: [FA]-Retail Mission 4  (Read 11890 times)

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Offline TopAce

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Damn, I typically forgot about an FA mission. Expect feedback soon.
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I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.

Okay, the mission went a bit smoother with the Acheron. I didn't fail all my events right off the bat.

A few things:
   Regarding Iota's message being sent by command. I've found that if you send a message too quickly after a ship arrives, FS2 thinks the ship isn't there and thus will send it by command again. You have two options here, either put the delay higher so it waits a moment for the transport to arrive. Or change the message origin to "#Iota 1". That way, it'll show up "Iota 1" whether FS2 thinks the transport is there or not, the only difference is the transport won't have a little "talking" box around it should the pilot have it in view at the time. But no big deal.

      The way that many FS2 missions are set up for directives, they have an event that checks if the target has arrived. For instance:


     Then they have a chained event after, with a delay of 0 like this:


Directive Text: Destroy Scorpio

     Now the way you have it set up, it might work just as well. But if it doesn't, the above method should do fine also. Also, I'm not a fan of the directive keypress thing. Some people seem to demand them from missions, personally I've never used them in a mission and have never fredded them into a mission either. I think having "F11" in the directives box kind of messes it up, on my resolution anyway. For instance, in my directives it might be something like:

Destroy Aquarius (8)
Destroy Scorpio (5)
Destroy Libra (6)

I'd prefer to have:
Destroy Aquarius (8)
Destroy Scorpio (5)
Destroy Libra (6)

    Looks much nicer in my opinion. It may look better at higher resolutions. I'm not sure.

    Also I might change up the latter capital ship battle. You obviously want the Bedford to survive, but it seems silly that when the Sobek jumps in, it unleashes a deadly barrage of 3 AAAf beams (it doesn't fire its main batteries). It's also a bit silly that both forces sit there at speed zero until the Bedford jumps out. What I might do instead is change the Sobek to a Mentu, and give the Bedford some way points which will bring it past the station. That way, the Mentu is large enough to shield the station and robust enough to survive a few beam hits without needing to fire any anti-ship beams in return. When the Aeolus goes past the station, it can bring a lot of its flak guns to bear. What this means is that the station will start taking major damage, and the player has to inflict enough hits on the Bedford to force it to jump out.

     Um, there are quite a few spelling mistakes so you're advised to run it through a spell checker. There are a few grammatical/phrasing errors which come to mind.

     For message "Alpha3: maybe . . ." the expression is 'present company accepted' not 'present company excluded' unless there's some variation I'm not aware of.

     Briefing stage 3: "Also once" is a little akward and is also a little disjointed.  Rather than going with an additive approach, I'd change the briefing to something more like this

     "During the recovery operation, allied flights will be required to provide cover to the station and the recovery craft. This means safeguarding Adur station and a nearby science vessel, the Aeschylus, from further NTR attacks."

      I think that the debriefing needs to be a little consolidated. Some FRED authors like to have little blurbs for each and every objective. I find that the debriefing is in consequence neither fun to read or look at on the screen.  Try to incorporate more information into each stage. For example, instead of having a "perilous got away" and "station lost" "station won" stages. Have just "station lost" and "station won" and incorporate the information about the perilous into them. There's no way the player can stop the perilous, so why a debriefing stage checking for failure of the objective? You _know_ it's going to fail so why check for it?

       For example:
       "Unfortunately we were unable to deploy our forces in time to stop the Perilous and the escaping ships. Despite this failure, you responded well to the mission's new focus in your successful defense of the installation against an aggressive enemy assault. "
       Similarly for the science vessel you can have just three stages: One where the science vessel survives, one where it is lost and the escape pod is saved, and one where both the ship and pod are lost.

       Other little grammatical errors
        deb stage 1: should be "sight" not "site"
        deb stage 4: should be "despite superior enemy numbers" or "Against great odds"

       +lots of spelling errors which can be caught in a program like Word.

       Also, one particular word I noticed you having trouble with (I mix it up myself sometime:)

lose = to lose. As in, the GTVA is about to lose to the shivan armada.
loss = something lost. As in, the Colossus was a tremendous loss to GTVA forces.
loose = opposite of tight. As in, whoever is in Command of Alpha 1's sorties has a screw loose.

      That's enough for now.


Offline karajorma

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That's very good feedback Akalabeth. :D Thanks a lot :)

Originally posted by Akalabeth Angel
      I think that the debriefing needs to be a little consolidated. Some FRED authors like to have little blurbs for each and every objective. I find that the debriefing is in consequence neither fun to read or look at on the screen.  Try to incorporate more information into each stage. For example, instead of having a "perilous got away" and "station lost" "station won" stages. Have just "station lost" and "station won" and incorporate the information about the perilous into them. There's no way the player can stop the perilous, so why a debriefing stage checking for failure of the objective? You _know_ it's going to fail so why check for it?  

That's actually a quite interesting comment :) I tend to be a "lots of debriefing stages" FREDder but I tend to go about it in a slightly different way from having lots of little bits of text.

What works for me when I only have a few objectives is to consolidate them together and have debriefings like this

Debrief 1 : both goals failed
2 : goal 1 succeeds goal 2 failed

Of course this only works if you have a low number of objectives but if you do it can be a lot more striking to do it in a single piece of dialogue rather than two pieces which can contradict each other in tone.

How to do debriefings is a matter of style rather than being right or wrong. Doing little snippets can work reasonably well if you make each snippet a little longer and make sure that snippets are similar in tone. I'll agree that it's much harder to pull off that tone if you have to have the player being congratulated for saving certain ships while being berated for failing to save others in the same debrief (It can be done by using neutral phrases that sound like condemnation if the mission fails but like praise if the mission succeeds. Not easy but it can work well (Well until you get the mission voice acted and give the actor an brainache trying to figure out how to say it :D )

Just goes to show that even as one of the self proclaimed experts here, even I can read things that make me reconsider how I do my missions :D
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Offline Fergus

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Right, I'll get working on it tommorrow, thanks for the feed back..and yes, I do type like a trained chicken.
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Offline Fergus

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Click for c1m4

Updated, one point however: I'm sticking with the "present company excluded" on account o' I've never heard o' th'other expression in me life.

EDIT: I stand corrected, my lawyer chum laughed when I  mentioned it and had another of his "My dear boy" chats, I'll fix it now.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2005, 12:07:10 pm by 2175 »
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Offline karajorma

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One small thing I noticed. The E-pod debriefing needs to check if the e-pod actually every appeared. Otherwise you get complaints about its destruction even though the science cruiser never launched it.
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