Author Topic: HTL Dragon WIP  (Read 6174 times)

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Offline Muriac

  • 25
Oops. Good point. Is that support for a Dragon model with more Shivan-looking guns.


Offline bfobar

  • 28
Awesome. I would love to see some detail and evilness added to the wing and tail fin. And I would be happy with slightly less terran looking guns.


Offline Galemp

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I'm going to vote for the "Terran" guns. Their little bulges are present on the Aeshma as well and aren't too out of place for the slightly more Terran look of the FS1 fighters.
Try giving us a few alternatives and variants and we'll decide what we like.
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Offline FireCrack

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  • meh...
Those guns efine the dragon, there's nothing wrong with them.
actualy, mabye not.
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Offline StratComm

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I'll look in to the best way to deal with the guns.  After all, just what is "shivan" anyway.  I've got a couple of ideas when I get some time to tinker with them.
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Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM