Author Topic: Star Trek Encounters on the PS2  (Read 1577 times)

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Offline Inquisitor

Star Trek Encounters on the PS2
Anyone play it?

Seems to be a budget game, 20 bucks, arcadey Star Trek spacehip shooter form Besthesda.
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Offline Thor

  • Captain of the GTD Sparta
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Re: Star Trek Encounters on the PS2
i have it.  and its exactly that.  controls are rather annoying, but not  impossible to use.  plus you are way to far away from the ship which honestly fits in this <----------------> space.  not too bad if you really love trek, but really, most people should wait for Legacy....
I can't believe my profile is still active... member since  July 25, 2002


Offline Inquisitor

Re: Star Trek Encounters on the PS2
Well, for 20 bucks, I figured it was worth checking out.

Once you get past that annoying timed race mission, its actually entertaining :)
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Offline Inquisitor

Re: Star Trek Encounters on the PS2
Played a little more, got a couple episodes into it. There are some REALLY annoying missions. The free battle stuff is a blast, the weapon sound f/x are very trekky, but the whole thing screams budget title otherwise. Shatner is phoning it in from the toilet again, and its mostly silent.

If this had alot more polish, I could see it being great for an arcade shooter with a trek theme.

Yeah, i am getting Legacy (or at least the demo) but I saw this and realized I had missed its release :)
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Offline Inquisitor

Re: Star Trek Encounters on the PS2
I want to like this game. There are things about this game I DO like.

Sadly, in order to get to those there are loads of things about this game I despise that you need to slog through.

Racing? Warp "conduits"? Unskippable cutscenes with bad-Shatner-phoned-it-in-from-the-toilet again monologue? Timed checkpoint races? Did I mention Warp "conduits"?

If you are a Trek fan, pretend you know nothing about the canon of Trek.

Once you get through the main episode campaign you get a crapload of trek ships to have coop and versus and single play kill hordes of ships with. THat part is cool. Well done, arcade (very very arcade) space combat with decent graphics and nice sound and fun all-eras ships.

Getting there, though, is an excercise in controller throwing frustration. The episodes themselves are badly written stories well outside of canon, narrated by Shatner in the same way he did the animated series in the 70's. Badly. Some of them have such narrow tolerances for success you can't make a single mistake, and most of those are pointless "races" thru new-to-me warp "conduits" which are little more than Mario Kart acceleration pads in space.

If I could find my Gameshark, I'd do something about that...

It may still be worth the bargain price, it is only 20 bucks, but GODS does it annoy.
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