Author Topic: Warhammer fans  (Read 5074 times)

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Eh, it's only a month or so old.  That ain't thread necromancy, it's thread cryogenics.


Offline Sarafan

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Eh, it's only a month or so old.  That ain't thread necromancy, it's thread cryogenics.

The blood is still flowing so it aint dead yet. :D

Heh, this is kinda cool that the thread was necroed on the day that THQ announces a WH40k MMO.

But this just nearly killed my interest on WH40K games, I cant find the point in MMO (as a game, of course I can understand the ****load of money this will give). I simply hope they wont forget about DoW. :doubt:


Offline Ferret

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  • A very hungry Fiona.
But this just nearly killed my interest on WH40K games, I cant find the point in MMO (as a game, of course I can understand the ****load of money this will give). I simply hope they wont forget about DoW. :doubt:
I disagree, they could go any direction with it. Notice they not once say "MMORPG", just "MMOG". A good MMOFPS could be superb.
There's lots of room in the 40k universe for pretty much any game, I'm psyched about this announcement, it could either be utterly terrible or utterly brilliant.


Offline NGTM-1R

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Is ANYBODY in the WH40k universe not insane, genocidal, or gleefully evil?

The Tau are pretty much as close to that as you're going to get. And to be honest this was a departure from their usual portrayal.

The problem with 40k from a story standpoint is that they were reaching for a "we are bad, but we're your best hope to survive" mentality, but they failed to create it.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Ferret

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  • A very hungry Fiona.
Is ANYBODY in the WH40k universe not insane, genocidal, or gleefully evil?

The Tau are pretty much as close to that as you're going to get. And to be honest this was a departure from their usual portrayal.
Tau are still pretty much looking out for number one, sure they'll accept alliances and what not but it's all "for the greater good" in other words, they don't care who gets ****ed up so long as they're better for it.
The Imperial Guard are pretty similar in that retrospect, they're pretty arrogant but not against getting others to help if they're better off in the end.

Eh.  Well, the Tau in the game seemed friendly and well adjusted at first.  Then I beat Chaos and hit the line about "Some Kroot ate dead chaos marines, and just in case that was going to somehow corrupt the entire Kroot species, we rounded them all up and had them shot." That got me feeling all was not well in Greater Good land.  Then the ending and the 're-education camps' and I realized the greater good was a polite euphamism for Tau domination.  Space commies.

The guard...well, I can't blame em for being psycho religious, not when gods and demons walking around are part of their everyday life.  They came across as complete xenogenocidal maniacs though, which is points against them even though most of the other alien races seem to deserve it.

Are the other major races not shown in Dark Crusade?  I've heard of the Tyranids, which are apparently what the zerg were stolen from, so I'm guessing they're the 'eat everything!!!!!!' types, not exactly bastions of morality.


Offline Ferret

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  • A very hungry Fiona.
Tyranids are a hive mind race of organics. Their ships and weapons are completely home grown, as it were. Tyranids look awesome, move fast, rip everything apart, come in huge numbers and generally just kill everyone because that's what they're for.
Tyranids are seriously awesome.


Offline NGTM-1R

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own
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  • Syndral Active. 0410.
Terranids die in huge hordes.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline neo_hermes

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  • What the hell are you lookin at?
Warhammer 40k is something akin to the dark ages i believe. Lost nearly all knowledge but there are some traces of it left in pockets of Imperial space...generally on mars....
Hell has no fury like an0n...
killing threads is...well, what i do best.