Author Topic: Cross-platform multiplayer?  (Read 1822 times)

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Offline Unknown Target

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Cross-platform multiplayer?
Hey :) I was wondering - can the Linux/Mac/Windows users all play against each other in the same lobby? Or are the different platforms mutually exclusive?

Re: Cross-platform multiplayer?
It should work if all have exactly the same version built from the same source.
I used to play with my freind who was playing in Windooze.


Offline taylor

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Re: Cross-platform multiplayer?
FS2NetD doesn't work on PPC Mac at the very least.  It should work on/with everything else otherwise though.  The networking part of the game itself is (or should be, no additional bugs have been filed) fully cross-platform however.

All new FS2NetD code, which is fully cross-platform, is slated for 3.6.10.  It was supposed to be in 3.6.9, and the code was largely done in time, but there simply wasn't enough time to get everything tested and perfected.  Test builds will be available for public testing of the new FS2NetD code later this month.


Offline Bob-san

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Re: Cross-platform multiplayer?
I would like to see some Windoze/XBox360/Linux/PS3/Mac/Wii cross-platform multiplayer... could be fun to compare all the different platforms for ease of use, etc...

Well... whatever!
NGTM-1R: Currently considering spending the rest of the day in bed cuddling.
GTSVA: With who...?
Nuke: chewbacca?
Bob-san: The Rancor.