Author Topic: Converting movies to OGG  (Read 3751 times)

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Offline taylor

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Re: Converting movies to OGG
But, all movies must be 640x480 or smaller. *snip*
How come ? Performance reasons ?
That, and I didn't have time to get down-scaling working properly for 3.6.9.  It was always a temporary limitation though.  I was under the gun to get the Theora code done and just didn't have time to work out all of the little issues.

It will probably be fixed for 3.6.10, assuming that I have extra time to do it, and the size limit will be gone.  I have improved the RGB->YUV conversion, and added two extra render modes (using register combiners and shaders) for the people whose video cards can do it, and those extra modes are much faster.  The size limit is already affectively history, it's just the speed issues that still need some working out.


Offline Kazan

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Re: Converting movies to OGG
resolution is 640x320 30fps
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Offline IPAndrews

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Re: Converting movies to OGG
Mine is 720x480.
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Offline Kazan

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Re: Converting movies to OGG
if ffmpeg2theora resized it i'm gunna kick it's arse

nope.. the one i posted is 640x320
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"The Mountains are calling, and I must go" - John Muir


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: Converting movies to OGG
Different movie Kazan. Your intro is the Earth Minbari War demo campaign intro. My intro is the mod intro.
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