Author Topic: Nexus: The Jupiter Incident sequel... HD preview & petition  (Read 1184 times)

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Nexus: The Jupiter Incident sequel... HD preview & petition
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If you wish to personally help the cause of Nexus: The Jupiter Incident 2, be sure to sign the following petition to help the game come out! The more signatures, the better a chance it will be developed!

Furthermore, Nexus: The Jupiter Incident has been released on Steam for paid download! Show your love and make sure others who weren't able to get the game in a box know of this new way to experience one of the best space combat games in recent years. Who knows, enough sales just may tip the scales in favour of a sequel.

Want proof of this piece of news? Go here:

-NOTE- Anyone who wants a highres version of this video, go here to the following link:;6335725;;/fileinfo.html

This was the tech demo for the proposed sequel to Mithis Entertainment's AWESOME space combat game, Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. A few of the goodies you'll see here are planet surfaces so real you could touch them, giant spaceships, fighters doing trench runs straight from Star Wars, and ice cube shields(!).

If this game came out, it'd be like having the battles of Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, and for good measure, Star Wars all on your computer.

Unfortunately, it seems that the game was canned, given the disappearance of Mithis's website. For those of you who want to this game to come out, and I know you're out there, you should write to HD Interactive at and tell them about your interest in the game.

Why oh why must such marvelous potential be consigned to the trash heap of gaming history?

This video features the Linkin Park song "Session."
Added: November 02, 2006

Re: Nexus: The Jupiter Incident sequel... HD preview & petition


Offline Dark RevenantX

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Re: Nexus: The Jupiter Incident sequel... HD preview & petition
Whoever made that particular demo build was pretty bad at making flame particles, but other than that, it looked REALLY promising.  Too bad hardly anyone would buy it because it's next to impossible to market space-based games these days.