Author Topic: Multiplayer test build - 20081109  (Read 5622 times)

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Offline taylor

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Multiplayer test build - 20081109
The newest, and probably last (before 3.6.10 anyway) multiplayer test build can be gotten here:

The main changes are merely bug fixes that were reported from the previous test build, as well as a couple of fixed Mantis bugs.  Probably the only notable changes are to standalone... The player info tab now contains score and kill info, which was mysteriously missing from the past/retail versions.  Also there is now minimize-to-tray functionality included which will, obviously, allow you to minimize the standalone window to the system tray and get it off of the task bar.  Double-click on the systray icon to bring the window back, right-click to get a popup menu that gives you some basic status information as well as a couple of commands for resetting and/or shutting down the standalone server.

Also included is the various OpenGL bug fixes from the recent OS X bug-test builds.  So please be on the lookout for any new issues that need to be reported, as well as reporting any old issues which are now fixed.

All of the FS2NetD client-side changes have now been committed to SVN, so all future Knightly builds will also have the same fixes.  Unless any bugs are reported in the next day or two then the rest of the changes from this build will also be committed to SVN as soon as possible.  So please report any bugs that you find now, before they show up in all other builds.  Support for previous 3.6.10 builds in multiplayer (FS2NetD in particular) will be discontinued in a few weeks due to a lobby login compatibility issue that has since been fixed.  And FS2NetD support for 3.6.9 builds will start to be discontinued over the course of next year as well, so be sure that all of the 3.6.10 multi problems have been dealt with while you still have the chance to get something done about it. :)


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Re: Multiplayer test build - 20081109
I noticed you committed a ton of multi-related stuff today, is there more in this build than what's already been committed to SVN?
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Offline taylor

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Re: Multiplayer test build - 20081109
I noticed you committed a ton of multi-related stuff today, is there more in this build than what's already been committed to SVN?
Yeah.  What I committed today was just the basic FS2NetD fixes and one Mantis bug fix.  There are still four or five bug fixes that haven't been committed yet, the graphics code fixes, a small set of buffer overrun fixes in ship.cpp, as well as the standalone changes.

Re: Multiplayer test build - 20081109
Question- Is this required for playing multi?
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!



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Re: Multiplayer test build - 20081109
No but I would recommend it or anything newer from the Knightly build forum. 
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Re: Multiplayer test build - 20081109
'k, thanks.
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!