Author Topic: Legacy of Tiberium - Forgotten city  (Read 1608 times)

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Offline ShadowGorrath

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Legacy of Tiberium - Forgotten city
So I was writing this text ( fanfic ) and got quite good feedback on it from some people. So now I decided to show it to HLP. Should show it to CnC communities though, I suppose...

Chapter 1

A small group of 14 soldiers in urban yellow cammo moves at a high pace through the barren streets of downtown Kaunas. The one in the middle of the group, an officer as it seems, raises his rifle and starts shooting at windows of the surrounding buildings, followed by the remaining soldiers doing the same. Struck dead by GDI's weapons, the silent soldiers of Nod dissapeared into the shadows of the abandoned buildings as quickly as they appeared.

The GDI soldiers stopped firing when the danger seemed to have passed. Some of the soldiers reloaded their rifles, while the officer checked the map via his arm-based computer. He raised his hand, showing a gesture for the squad to rally near him.

"It's not much farther. Just a couple more kilometers." he said, as the other soldiers finished reloading their rifles, all surrounding the officer. Upon hearing their leader speak, some of the troops nodded, though didn't say a word. "Ok, 2 minutes of rest.", said the officer, as he took out his binoculars to search the immediate area, and maybe even spot their base. While some relief could be felt, the feeling of danger did not pass. Though the Second Tiberium War was nearing its end, the Brotherhood's troops here were nearly everywhere, crawling in the long forgotten, tiberium engulfed city.

As the small, exhausted group of GDI soldiers was resting, some drinking their limited supply of clean water, the officer kept watching the surrounding area: all the debris, empty windows with broken glass, remains of destroyed vehicles - everywhere from where a Nod ambush may be lurking. It was not long when the soldiers were ready to return to their journey again.

Before the officer could give the order to move out again, a pair of Banshees flew at a low altitude through the sky above them, as silent as ghosts, with only the sound of wind to be heard that they caused. The GDI troops just watched how the Banshees turned around and started moving towards them, firing the green plasma bolts at the group of soldiers. The officer just gave a gesture to spread out and take cover, and so the troops did, evading the Banshee weapons in time, as the plasma bolts impacted the bumpy, cracked road, shaking the ground around them. The impact was strong enough for a wall of the nearby building to collapse. All that the GDI soldiers could do is fire their rifles at the attacking Banshees, and hope that this won't attract more Nod troops.


Offline Scotty

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Re: Legacy of Tiberium - Forgotten city
This intrigued me, so I thought I would add a bit.  Hope you like  :D.


Useless bullets pinged and pattered off the hardened armor of the Nod flyers.  Unfortunately, none of the soldiers were equipped with anti-air weapons, making the firing as useless as trying to shoot the wind.  A gut-wrenching scream of agony was heard across the squad com frequency as an unfortunate trooper was hit by a lucky shot.

"Keep your heads down!  They'll run out of ammo eventually!" the officer shouted over than mayhem of the now crackling city street.  The officer's EVA showed dozens of incoming enemy infantry.  The officer tried to order a fall back into a building, but before he could cue his mike, a devil's tongue flame tank erupted from the ground right in the middle of the trooper formation.  Half a dozen of the squad turned to look, and two were hit by another banshee pass as they foolishly left their cover.

The officer watched with stony eyes as the tank readied its flame thrower.  All the officer could do was watch, his rifle wasn't going to do a thing to that monster.

Out of nowhere, a disk bounced off the concrete a few feet from him.  The well-aimed grenade lodged in the tank's twin grinders in the front before detonating.  The explosion acted like a wall for the flames, redirecting them back into the fuel tank.  An enormous explosion turned the fading light into high noon.

The officer wasted not a second of this brief respite.  "Everyone!  In the buildings!  Now!"  Scooping to collect a soldier wounded by a banshee blast, the officer led the remaining 11 other troopers into a nearby building.  "I want windows covered!  Move it!  Nod's getting closer."  As if on cue, a burst of machine gun fire rattled through a nearby window and into a decrepit piece of furniature.  A better motivator could not have been found.  Faced with life or death, the grim-faced troops prepared to repel the enemy force.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 07:47:41 pm by Scotty »


Offline Scotty

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Re: Legacy of Tiberium - Forgotten city
I think I'll add another about once a month, just because it's fun.


Bullets zipped this way and that.  The GDI troops were trapped in the old building with no way out.  Despite superior training and weapons, the sheer numbers of the NOD infantry was whittling down the officer's squad.  The officer swore under his breath as his EVA muttered a cold "Unit lost," and another friendly icon winked red on his HUD.  He was down to eight able-bodied troops.  NOD continued to pour in from every shadow and alley in sight.

"Wilson!  Grenade in the east door, now!"  The officer barked orders, trying to keep his wits about him.  The grenade sailed true, and the ensuing explosion toppled a neighboring building, crushing several NOD and blocking just that many more attack routes.  Despite his squad's outstanding performance, outnumbered and outgunned, the officer knew it was only a matter of time before his entire command was swept beneath the enemy onslaught.

The officer tried the last, desperate measure he had available.  There were no ion cannons in position, but several hunter-killers were at his disposal to complete his objective.  With cold, methodical precision, he ordered each one into a corridor of enemy troops.  Dozens of soldiers died, and several buildings toppled, and finally the NOD charge broke.

The only problem now, was that the officer lacked the resources to destroy the NOD installation he had been sent to destroy.  He spared a quick glance at his EVA, six combat-ready, one walking wounded, and seven dead or incapacitated.  His broken, beaten remnant of a squad still had a mission to accomplish.  Now, it would just take more skill. 

Intel believed that NOD had an ICBM manufacturing facility in the area, and GDI Command had deemed it of the utmost importance that it be destroyed.  The officer had to succeed, or all of GDI might die with his only trying.