Author Topic: multiple locations a la XWA  (Read 3001 times)

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Offline aRaven

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multiple locations a la XWA
I was playing XWA recently and I thought how cool it is to have multiple locations per mission, where you could hyper from one area to another. This should be possible with the FSO engine too, since WCS did it with the autopilot. We just have to modify it, so that we have the funky hyperspace effect as transition between the areas. Or just the sequence when the ship enters and leaves hyperspace a la x-wing.


Offline brandx0

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Re: multiple locations a la XWA
We've discussed it and it's something we're thinking about implementing, but we're still working on far more basic things at the moment.
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Offline colecampbell666

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Re: multiple locations a la XWA
Wouldn't you just have to move everything around behind the player? Make it look like he had moved?
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Re: multiple locations a la XWA
Also, you can probably accomplish whatever you'd need it for with simple red alert missions and/or just starting the player near the action in the first place.  But yeah, if we need it we could probably do it.
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Offline MetalDestroyer

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Re: multiple locations a la XWA
You can also change the background and kill/respawn ships within SEXP when doing a false jump. There was a tierce mission for BSG: BTRL which use this trick.

Re: multiple locations a la XWA
I made a FRED mission where the player does something similar to in XWA, where he enters a subspace vortex and gets teleported to a different location. It seems to work pretty well, but it loses the dynamic affect you get in XWA where the player can simply fly on his own to the waypoint and simply press a button to enter hyperspace. In my mission, the player presses a button to initiate autopilot, which flies his ship to a waypoint, and then "initiates" the subspace drive, where he simply flies into the vortex.

I thought about making an entire campaign inspired from XWA using this affect, but I disregarded it, as i'd probably just end up abandoning it after the first mission.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2009, 11:44:36 am by haloboy100 »
Fun while it lasted.

Then bitter.


Offline aRaven

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Re: multiple locations a la XWA
it can definetely wait. maybe in r2 or r3.


Offline TopAce

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Re: multiple locations a la XWA
Problems start to crop up when you have to travel back and forth between the two locations (you do this in XWA). You can, at the cost of an awful lot of events and variables, save the stats of all ships in the two areas but there's no way in space you can make them continue the fight when the player is not at their location.

Also I would like to see our FotG leadership-authorized plotline and see if we at all need our player character to jump from one system to another in the same mission. I would do it as a red-alert, too.
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