Author Topic: Tie missiles  (Read 6313 times)

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Offline zookeeper

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In the OT, there's only the two sets of torpedoes in ANH, both flying straight, and in RotJ there's Wedge's torpedoes, Falcon's missiles and the A-wing missiles, all of them flying straight too.

I don't think they would need to move that much to hit those big stationary targets that they shot at though would they? Well except for the Exhaust Port, which if I remember correctly did move closer as they reached the Exhaust port to fit down the shaft.


Offline niffiwan

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well, I just frame-by-framed Luke's torpedoes entering the exhaust port and it sure looks to me like they execute a right angle turn, you can see both their conical shapes change direction quite clearly (imo :)).  The rest on the other hand I'd agree were running straight only.
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m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...

Sweet Potatoes those are some maneuverable torpedoes! I bet they could hit a Swamp Rat 60 meters away!


Offline swashmebuckle

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That's just Luke throwing himself an alley oop and dunking it with the force.


Offline niffiwan

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Must be, the targeting computer sure wasn't doing anything.
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m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline zookeeper

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As I always insist: the magnetic field of the exhaust port pulled them in, they didn't turn on their own.

Yeah sounds about right.

That's just Luke throwing himself an alley oop and dunking it with the force.

Now I have that song stuck in my head. Guess Tarkin got dunked on.  :)


Offline Det. Bullock

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In the old Xwing games they were guided but could also be fired in a straight line without a lock, locking wasn't necessary to fire them and while I know you use mainly the movies as a baseline I think this choice might be because of how they seem to behave in the movies.
I wouldn't be surprised if Lando and Wedge just dumbfired their torpedoes and missiles as they didn't want to waste time and the respective targets were big and stationary as I did that several times in the games (after all why wait for the torps to get a lock when the target is big enough to occupy half your visuals and you have fighters on your tail?), locking was most useful with moving targets that were either fast-moving (like missiles vs fighters or torps vs shuttles) or distant enough to make dumbfiring them too risky, and in later games many capships could destroy your torpedoes more easily if you locked them making dumbfire almost necessary.


Also it is possible that the Tie they stole had a missile rack dedicated to mag pulse not unlike the old Missile Boat in the EU had a dedicated missile rack toghether with the standard one.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 11:09:18 pm by Det. Bullock »
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Offline aRaven

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Actually the missiles/torpedos Wedge fired were guided, since you could hear the lock-on sound on approach, very similar to that of the XWA lock-on sound.


Offline zookeeper

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Actually the missiles/torpedos Wedge fired were guided, since you could hear the lock-on sound on approach, very similar to that of the XWA lock-on sound.

The sound effect might be essentially the same as the targeting computer's sound in ANH, but I think it makes more sense to interpret it as a range/proximity/waypoint sound, since you hear the same beeping during all of Wedge's cockpit shots during the DS run. It's a steady beeping during the beginning, then yes, the intervals tighten right before he makes the shot, but the same happens when he's exiting the DS too, when he's clearly not locking onto anything. We never hear the actual lock-on sound, only the beeping, so we can assume it's a more general range/proximity indicator.

So, I'd say he had the reactor as his target and the beeping told him when he's in range, but he never bothered to actually use the targeting computer to get a lock. Then, he set the entrance/exit as a waypoint target of sorts, and the beeping told him how close he is to that.


Offline Cobra

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but he never bothered to actually use the targeting computer to get a lock.

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