Author Topic: Red Lines across screen  (Read 1374 times)

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Offline rsaxvc

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    • rsaxvc
Red Lines across screen
Has anyone else seen horizontal red lines like this?

The screenshot is from an SVN build, but I get the same with a nightly about a week old. Happens in both fullscreen and windowed, happens on all resolutions attempted. Happens in mods and stock. The number of lines varies. Just curious if anyone else has seen it / should be mantised.

machine specs:
Windows 7 x64
Ati HD3200


Offline taylor

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Re: Red Lines across screen
It's caused by the -timerbar cmdline option.  Remove it and they should go away.


Offline rsaxvc

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    • rsaxvc
Re: Red Lines across screen
ah. That fixed it.


Offline Dragon

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Re: Red Lines across screen
What is the -timerbar option for anyway?


Offline taylor

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Re: Red Lines across screen
What is the -timerbar option for anyway?
It's a visual representation of the length of time spent in various parts of the code each frame.  It's no longer set up properly or really used by anything now, so it is pretty much pointless (properly just needs to be ripped out).  There is also no real frame of reference to figure out exactly what is slow or how long something is really taking though.  That's primarily why I've never made use of the timerbar, it's simply more useful and accurate to use real performance profiling to identify problem spots in the code.