Author Topic: FreeSpace Open crash issue OSX 10.5.8  (Read 10957 times)

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Re: FreeSpace Open crash issue OSX 10.5.8
There was an extra ] before the word 'url'.  So it had ']url'
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Offline Wildeye

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Re: FreeSpace Open crash issue OSX 10.5.8
FS2_Open-Inferno (debug)-20101012_r6595 build:

- No audio.

- Turn Off Targeting crashes to the desktop but in a nice way using Training Mission 4 in the FreeSpace 2 campaign both with and without mediavps_3612; FS2_Open crashes to the desktop but I don't get an error report from the system. Attached are the crash logs.

  - With mediavps_3612: 1010140740
  - Without mediavps_3612: 1010140752

- Training Mission 4 in the FreeSpace 2 campaign with mediavps_3612.

  - 1010140737
  - 1010140737 Crash

As before, above crash does not occur in Training Mission 4 in the FreeSpace 2 campaign without mediavps_3612. Cheers!

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: FreeSpace Open crash issue OSX 10.5.8
Code: [Select]
Initializing OpenAL...
  OpenAL Vendor     : Apple Computer Inc.
  OpenAL Renderer   : Software
  OpenAL Version    : 1.1

os_config_read_string(): section = "Sound", name = "PlaybackDevice", default value: "NULL"
os_config_read_string(): section = "Sound", name = "CaptureDevice", default value: "NULL"

  ERROR: Unable to find suitable playback device!

... OpenAL failed to initialize!
SOUND ==> Fatal error initializing audio device, turn sound off.
SOUND => Audio init unsuccessful, continuing without sound.

As expected. Either something is wrong with your audio drivers, or apple's OpenAL implementation, or FSO's audio config. Please check the latter.

Code: [Select]
OpenGL Version    : 1.5 NVIDIA-1.4.18
That's not good.

Code: [Select]
Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two".
That's worse.

Now, regarding the actual error. It seems to me like the code makes the assumption that this function will only ever be called if the player has _something_ targeted, that seems to be wrong, obviously. It is my opinion that we should exit gracefully in that case, instead of erroring out.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
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Offline Wildeye

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Re: FreeSpace Open crash issue OSX 10.5.8
Created a new pilot, checked the sound config in both the app and the launcher; still no sound when running FS2_Open-Inferno (debug)-20101012_r6595. Sound is fine with default apps (both standard and debug).

Wondering where the sound config info is stored; in the pilot file or a .ini file somewhere because I don't see a sound section in fs2_open.ini.


Offline Echelon9

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Re: FreeSpace Open crash issue OSX 10.5.8
Now, regarding the actual error. It seems to me like the code makes the assumption that this function will only ever be called if the player has _something_ targeted, that seems to be wrong, obviously. It is my opinion that we should exit gracefully in that case, instead of erroring out.
Confirmed, engine is making assumptions.
Code: [Select]
ASSERTION: "Player_ai->target_objnum >= 0" at hudtarget.cpp:4443  Player_ai->target_objnum (-1) less than zero.


Offline Iss Mneur

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Re: FreeSpace Open crash issue OSX 10.5.8
Created a new pilot, checked the sound config in both the app and the launcher; still no sound when running FS2_Open-Inferno (debug)-20101012_r6595. Sound is fine with default apps (both standard and debug).

Wondering where the sound config info is stored; in the pilot file or a .ini file somewhere because I don't see a sound section in fs2_open.ini.

Sound config info is stored in fs2_open.ini, it should be under something like:

Code: [Select]
PlaybackDevice=<OpenAL name for device>
CaptureDevice=<OpenAL name for device>

But that is not really that important, the real concern there is the engine should still grab any sound card that has enough channels but for some reason it is not.  Please modify your debug_filter.cfg to have +OpenAL and then run the engine through init (you just need to go to the pilot selection screen) and post the resulting log.

As for the crash, we think we have it fixed. You can test our fix in the this nightly.
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Offline Wildeye

  • 23
Re: FreeSpace Open crash issue OSX 10.5.8
Using FS2_Open-Inferno (debug)-20101015_r6609, Turn Off Targeting bug seems to be fixed. Yay!

Attached is the fs2_open.log with +OpenAL using 20101015_r6609.

In case it helps, from System Profiler:

     Version:   1.1
     Last Modified:   3/24/06 12:38 AM
     Location:   /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework
     Private:   No

Below is my /Users/Wildeye/Library/FS2_Open/fs2_open.ini which hasn't changed much since I first loaded the game. I don't know if there are supposed to be other sections but the game has run fine as is.

Code: [Select]
VideocardFs2open=OGL -(1440x900)x32 bit


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