Author Topic: Uru (finally) goes open-source!  (Read 1386 times)

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Offline Mongoose

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Uru (finally) goes open-source!
Since we're kind of all about the open-source thing around here, I figured this might garner some interest.  In case you didn't know, the developer Cyan Worlds has been working towards releasing the source code of their game Myst Online: Uru Live, the won't-stay-dead MMO set in the Myst universe.  Cyan has been hosting a freely-downloadable version of the game for more than a year now, but they've had to put the source-code release on the back burner somewhat while they concentrated on little things like keeping their company alive during an economic downturn.  Just yesterday, they finally announced a full release of the client-side engine code, as well as a fan-created open-source server project, both of which are hosted on this site.  I don't know whether anyone else besides me is interested in the game itself, but some of the coder-types might feel like looking at what they're planning.  I already saw someone in one of the comment threads mention FS2 as a project to aspire to, so the word on us is definitely out there. :)


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Uru (finally) goes open-source!
1) This is awesome. :yes:

2) We should merge FSO into Uru. :nervous:

Re: Uru (finally) goes open-source!
2) We should merge FSO into Uru. :nervous:

Myst was always a little lacking in flak and beam cannons.


Offline LordMelvin

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Re: Uru (finally) goes open-source!
1) This is awesome. :yes:

2) We should merge FSO into Uru. :nervous:

Oh, my dear and fluffy lord, yes! Linkingbook to the Sathanas, blow it up, Jump to D'ni, adjust the book for Bosch...
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Offline Enzo03

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Re: Uru (finally) goes open-source!
Actually doing this will require you screw around with several entire worlds that are each a single big Rube Goldberg machine.

Firing a beam from a capship will require you learn a number system with 3 different number base just to get the right coordinates, and you must learn it by using a crude version of the Mouse Trap board game based on this number system.

Actually I have no idea WHA*turns off caps lock after accidentally bumping it*t Uru is like compared to Myst.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 01:58:08 am by Enzo03 »
21:20:19   SpardaSon21: "hey baby, want to get a good look at my AC/20?
21:20:26   Spoon: I'd hit it like the fist of steiner

Some people are like Slinkies.  They aren't really good or even useful for anything but they always manage to put a little smile on your face when you give them enough of a push down the stairs.


Offline LordMelvin

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Re: Uru (finally) goes open-source!
Uru's just like Myst, but realtime in 3d instead of a slideshow, and with other people in it (and therefore an optional third-person view, a player designed character, and whatever but that's almost entirely mostly not the point), and ties to contemporary Earth that only make much sense if you've read the Myst novels, but who cares, because it's huge, and there's puzzles and it's fun.
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Offline Davros

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Re: Uru (finally) goes open-source!
The question no one has asked yet
is this game any good ?


Offline LordMelvin

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Re: Uru (finally) goes open-source!
It's awesomeness incarnate, if you're into the Myst-style adventure games, but it is just a tiny bit light on the 'splodeyness.
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Offline Mongoose

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Re: Uru (finally) goes open-source!
The question no one has asked yet
is this game any good ?
Honestly, if you're looking at it as a straight-up game for gaming's sake, it's probably not the best thing you could sit down and play through (though certainly not the worst, by the same token).  But as an overall experience, and as the concept that Cyan wanted it to be, there's really nothing else like it out there.  Cyan originally envisioned an MMO setting where they'd be able to release new content on a regular basis, where ordinary player's interactions with human-controlled "actors" (instead of NPCs) would have tangible effects on how the story progressed.  Unfortunately, Ubisoft shut down the original beta just as it was getting into gear, and the game's year-long revival via GameTap just didn't have the budget to sustain itself.  One thing Cyan did manage to do is foster a community every bit as devoted as our own here, if not even more so; they're an incredibly-welcoming group of people that have done some amazing things within the framework of the Myst universe.  I'm very excited to see where this source-code release will leave things, since there are a lot of great ideas floating around on how to improve and expand the game.

In general, though, if you have even a passing interest in Myst, I'd recommend giving the game a shot.  You can't beat free, right? :)