Author Topic: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related  (Read 1807 times)

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Offline Anjelus

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Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
Just a little heads up to any OFP and ARMA fans who happen to frequent HLP. The community over at BIS has released a demo of the upcoming Cold War Crisis remake for ARMA 2. They completely remade Everon island, have recreated several classic missions, etc. Looks freaking fantastic to me as an old school OFP player, they have a trailer you can see on the link below that sent my nostalgia meter into overdrive.  :D

Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
They are also re-releasing OpFlash as Arma: Cold War Assault. Which should ensure that your nostalgia meter explodes in your face.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
ARMA 2 has gone free to play if I understand correctly.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 10:48:21 am by General Battuta »

Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
More or less. They have released a free version, but some stuff is missing.
But it's not an MMO or anything. It's more like an... Gigantic demo for Arma 2: OA and Arma 3. It is however, suprisingly similar to what Derek Smart does.

And yes, I now have bought Arma 2, and online its a total blast. Singleplayer is not that bad, actually, although the SP campagins the games come with are rather uninspired. Apperently, they are not quite up to the OFP standard. But I never played OFP...


Offline Dragon

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Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
I agree that SP campaigns could have been better, but they're quite good. You can always try some user made campaigns, Namalsk Crisis being, IMHO, one of the best.
A free version of ArmA II is indeed more like a large multiplayer demo. It allows multi, but doesn't support mods, expansions or SP mode, as well as having slightly worse textures (shouldn't matter for most people, but those with modern high-end machines may want to but a full version).


Offline Anjelus

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Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
These games have always been about the user made content. The original OFP had a very nice retail campaign but the user made stuff was even better. The best campaign of all time was Retaliation, made by some dudes over in Russia. If you never played that... damn it was so good.

ARMA 2 is the same way. The stock campaign is meh but theres a wealth of great gaming to be had with it and all its mods. I'm especially looking forward to Finnish Defense Forces and Liberation 1941-45, those were just the best back on OFP.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
I want Operation Firelord ported.........That and the co-op black-ops night-attack (more hyphonated words please?) on the tank depot too :D

ARMA 2 has gone free to play if I understand correctly.

Can has link?
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

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Offline Dragon

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Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
I'm especially looking forward to Finnish Defense Forces and Liberation 1941-45, those were just the best back on OFP.
FDF was released, check BI forums. Liberation 1941-45 might have been, but there's more than one WWII mod and I could be confusing it with something.


Offline Anjelus

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Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related

<-- rushing to Steam to reinstall


Offline -Sara-

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Re: Operation Flashpoint/ARMA related
I originally played Operation Flashpoint for the easy modding and mapmaking, often creating very large civilian towns with mod-packs, having active civilian life in there, but never bothered releasing or continueing on any of that. Much later I bought Arma 2 hoping it to be similar and have the same kind of fun with it but haven't touched the game for years, but quickly lost interest. I guess it's nice for the die-hard fans who liked the campaigns, although I personally always preferred the sandbox element.
Currently playing: real life.

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