Author Topic: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade  (Read 23755 times)

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Re: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade
So I finally got around to this. Didn't know much about it just made sure I had the right files and played it. I was a little overwhelmed by the open world menu, got into a boss fight in the first 2 minutes? Cool. Killed by the scream-wave the first time but I got the boss down the second. The overdrive thing seems cool. Oh, you can be that one ship Epsilon 1 flies from JAD? Ok, let's try this endless mode thing. Uh oh... wait what's going on here? You can't use overdrive? Oh let me run some tests so I can report this bug to Axem. This is bad. Wait the turkey shoot worked with the Rhia... Wait a second.... Wait... a... second...

And then I realized it. You have no respect for Epsilon 1.

Criminal. Monsterous. Fine. Delta 1 was cooler anyways I'll go with Delta 1. Subach, Maxim, Tempest, Trebuchet (lol after reading description but ok). I started endless mode and must have played for some 45 minutes afterword. I could blame you for ruining my sleep schedule and keeping me up late but I'll just own up to my own insomnia and just say that was so wickedly fun, I don't understand why I didn't play this sooner. I could not help but giggle the first few times I fired that Hyper Maxim running down the gun energy until it just randomly bursted every time it had enough to fire. Hilariously, even then it still did good damage. You are constantly fighting the whole time, hungering to feed yourself to keep yourself powered up. While this is happening boss fights make themselves known zelda style and bring their own character to the show. They each have their own little gimmik you have to figure out. That dub step boss had me jerking my head to his evil good dubs. Powerups, music, layzorz!, fast action, and a dynamic scaling boss set. It's all happening at the same time. I had to cut myself off to sleep, but I could not sleep before writing this. 

It's almost like FSO was built for this sort of gameplay. Really nice work, definitely worth playing.
BP Multi
The Antagonist
Zacam: Uh. No, using an effect is okay. But you are literally using the TECHROOM ani as the weapon effect.


Offline Axem

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Re: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade
Thank you for the very nice words. I'm really glad you had fun and it meant more than sleep for you. ;)

And I must say there are elements around JAD:XA that I feel sort of came inspired or refined from the way The Antagonist did them. While enemies dropping power-ups is nothing new in games, playing it did put the spark in my head to go "now how could I make enemies automatically drop power-ups?" And "just how overpowered can I make a single fighter?"

Also good eyes on the Epsilon 1 subtext!


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade
So, I was playing through the endless gauntlet, and I lost at The End (the supernova got me). But it didn't take me to the debriefing screen. Instead, it gave me the usual death options.

Also, for some reason, the first time I used scan mode on Dubstepiel, it gave me the description of Teleportiel. Pics if I can reproduce it.
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Offline Axem

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Re: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade
Thanks for the heads up! I probably forgot to account for dying to a supernova and goofed up the scan mode assignment for Dubstepiel. I will fix these things for the next update!


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade
I'm sad to report that the Duoclops is calling the wrong model. Instead of calling the Cyclops model, it's calling the Belial model.
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Offline Axem

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Re: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade
This is funny and had me going for a bit. "It's using the Belial model? Well duh, that's what it is, right?" Belial was the old internal name for the Cyclops, its what the model's name was in the retail data files. I had just copied the Cyclops entry originally for the Duoclops so why would it have changed so suddenly? I open the 2014 MediaVPs, and there's a belial.pof. And its the Belial sentry gun! Whaaat.

I went to go check out the retail vps, and there's a belial.pof! And its the Cyclops bomb! The FSU team was renaming models to better fit the actual models (fenris.pof instead of thatterrancruiser0892.pof) so that sort of got sucked up in that mess of renaming.

So we could blame the FSU team for renaming the models. Or we could blame Volition for their sketchy naming in the first place. Or we could blame me for not testing every weapon enough with the new MediaVPs.

Or... we could blame you for using the Cyclops instead of the Helios!


(I kid, thanks for bringing that to my attention!)


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade
So, I just beat the final boss, and enemies haven't spawned since I did. What the heck did I do?
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Offline Axem

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Re: RELEASE - Just Another Day Xtreme Arcade
You were too awesome for this world.

Actually I'm not sure what's up with that. Enemies should start spawning again during the credits roll (did the credits roll?)

I'll do some investigating next time I'm in that end of modding town.