Author Topic: INF SCP Hiring Thread  (Read 12994 times)

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Offline Rampage

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Re: INF SCP Hiring Thread
We're hiring again!  In the past several months, we've seen most of our models HTLed.  But because we use trueSpace to package the models and convert them for FS2 use, we do not have proper smoothing on most if not all new HTL models.  Thus we need someone who has some experience with Blender to help us do smooth groups:

1. Export new HTL models from PCS2 into COLLADA.
2. Apply autosmooth or manual smoothing (for larger ships) and add the edge cut modifier to LOD0 only.
3. Save as COLLADA and reimport into FS2.

This job should be pretty easy, so please post here if you're interested.  And of course, you'll get access to our modpack!



Offline Droid803

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Re: INF SCP Hiring Thread
Hi. This is something I can do. :D
But I don't use blender, but 3ds max, shouldn't matter though, seeing as I've done exactly what you've outlined about a hundred times XD

EDIT: Let me express that I might not get through your entire modpack in a timely manner so you might want to get someone else too. Hard to predict when **** happens at uni and I need to drop everything and study.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 12:56:47 am by Droid803 »


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Re: INF SCP Hiring Thread
Thanks for your availability, Droid. Sure, working on our models will almost certainly require a lot of time, so we need to be sure that they'll be someone else working with you. ;)
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Offline Rampage

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Re: INF SCP Hiring Thread
We are done w/ the modpack for the most part, so we need dedicated FREDders, so if you know how to FRED (classical FS2 FREDding), please post here.



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Re: INF SCP Hiring Thread
**** it, I'm willing to help work on missions and polish stuff up, though I probably can't take leads on my own. I can do stuff like checkpoints for long missions (like Nemesis) too if you'd like and I'm conversant with new and useful stuff like targeting priorities.

Re: INF SCP Hiring Thread
Sorry for unavailability in past two weeks, I've had very hard time on university. I should be able to finish the 2nd application mission by tomorrow.
EDIT kinda failed in that one. :/
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 04:57:01 pm by Arachnotron »


Offline Rampage

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Re: INF SCP Hiring Thread
We need a texture artist who has done some texturing work on Terran fighters and bombers.  Let us know if you can help.



Offline technopredator

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Suggestion: The guys from Earth Defense.

Suggestion: The guys from Earth Defense.

Freespaceking did most (if not all) of those, and he's already on INF :P


Offline technopredator

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They say in their board that they're a bunch of artists mostly, so they do models and music and they needed coders mostly, so...


Offline BrotherBryon

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Freespaceking's work is always excellent but he has been busy with real life for a while now so we could always use the help of a few good texture artist to move things along in his absence. I think we could use some help in the fredding department but as Rampage has stated in another thread we have had bad luck with a couple of our fredders just flat out disappearing on us. At this point I think we would only consider well established community members should any wish to contribute in that department. I don't think we have any need to recruit coders for Inferno specifically, as far as I know we only have one issue and that is to increase the shield icon limit which is something that can be handled by a freelance or SCP coder.

As far as asset and art work goes, we could always the help of those willing to put in the time to upgrade an asset for us. Any and all work will be credited for those who just want to work on a specific asset but not get fully involved in the project. A good number of our assets have come to life this way and we wouldn't be as far along as we are without the outside help.
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Offline Rampage

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Agreed.  Once again, the area of work that really needs to move forward at an appreciable pace is mission design.  Our missions are well designed but are simply not up to par w/ the standards set by BP and the recent JAD.  This serves as an unexpected turn in events, as our FREDders are trained in the traditional school (pre or early SCP) of mission design and do not know all the new bells and whistles (eg - - cinematics and scripting) that the newer campaigns use.

So here are our options regarding the above: (1) have our staff catch up and learn the new stuff, which will take some time and will invariably delay the release of the campaign or (2) hire an experienced FREDder to code new tricks for our missions -- eg cinematics design.  We personally prefer option 2, but w/ our recent experience w/ people ditching our project, we are very cautious w/ hiring new FREDders who are not well known in the community.  But if you do have the knowledge we seek and the experience to go along w/ it, then by all means let us know. :nod:



Offline Black Wolf

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Do number 1. Seriously. First of all, consider what you really need. If you're adding stuff that's going to enhance gameplay or storytelling, that's great. If you're adding stuff just because you want to be able to wave a sign around about how you're as good as everyone else, that's a fools errand. There'll always be some new trick, some cool little feature that you'll want, and if you try to do everything, you'll never do anything.

Now, as for bringing someone in to add new features onto other people's missions, I've gotta say, that seems to me like it'll be a headache, long term. FREDding is very idiosyncratic - there're multiple ways to do almost everything, and every FREDder does things slightly differently. Digging into someone else's mission will be much harder than digging into one of your own if you're making big structural changes.

Which actually brings up a third point - what exactly do you want to do? "Cinematics" is pretty broad, and the basic stuff can be picked up by any half competent FREDder. With that, it's simply a matter of a few hours practice - there's not a hell of a lot to learn. Once you understand what the various sexps do, the only limit is the imagination of the FREDder. And 'scripting', well, scripting is an entirely different skillset to FREDding - I consider myself a pretty competent FREDder, and I couldn't write a line of LUA if you paid me. Moreover, scripting is a means to an end. If you have some specific thing you want the engine to do it can help there. But it's not a magic "make mission better" wand. If you have something like that, you can probably ask an established scripter to write you up something, rather than letting it hold up development while you wait for someone who wants a badge.
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Offline Woomeister

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(eg - - cinematics and scripting)
We don't need those. To do proper cinematic style events we would require full character setup and voicing to pull it off without it looking tacked on. We aren't aiming for a character driven story here, save it for S:AH which does need cinematic cutscene missions.


Offline Droid803

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Uh, Rampage, I feel that's deviating from the core concept of Inferno. To my knowledge, Inferno is meant to be a fairly traditional mod, particularily in terms of storytelling and mission design, was it not? You don't need to make missions include new features for the sake of it, you just need to make sure they're enjoyable, and inserting random-gimmick-of-the-week, lost-in-walls-of-text, or drowning-in-cinematic-hell are not necessary; nor do I think believe are things that I feel should be part of the project.

Walls of text work for BP as it's a very character-driven and lore-intensive campaign. Cinematic hell works for JAD because its good to tell jokes with. Neither are good for a more "world-driven" setting where you're the nameless cog #12455546466 in the great machine, and not The Chosen One. All that needs to be done is to strike the delicate balance between being largely insignificant in the grand scheme, but not being useless.

I'd suggest having someone just go over the lines and objectives in each mission and making sure they're all consistent and such over inserting random fluff like cinematics and gameplay gimmicks. Just make sure no faction does anything outright stupid, and I think "standard" mission design can still go far, especially since almost everyone else is moving away from it because they're all interested in doing new stuff. I think a solidly done traditional-style campaign in this day may stand out more than a BP/JAD copycat attempt.

tl;dr: New **** is overrated. Those who know me better might call hypocrisy coming from me, but I don't feel INF needs to resort to any of that. INF has enough NEW SHIPS, BIGGER SHIPS, and MORE BEAMS. That will make it awesome already.


Offline Rampage

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There's always that part of me that liked a character-driven story backed up by cinematics.  You guys are right; we need to stick to a more traditional approach.

On that note, back to work. :D



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tl;dr: New **** is overrated. Those who know me better might call hypocrisy coming from me, but I don't feel INF needs to resort to any of that. INF has enough NEW SHIPS, BIGGER SHIPS, and MORE BEAMS. That will make it awesome already.

I disagree. I think that the new direction INF is moving is a proper direction. I was looking forward to ideas introduced by updates on INF:A SA. Too bad it was freezed in favor INF 10th anniversary, but well, we can't have everything.


Offline Woomeister

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Well not without 2-3x our current staff count no :D