Author Topic: Xiytiar  (Read 5005 times)

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I started this ship a while ago, and it has been gathering dust for a year or so. I'm now working on this one alongside the XQ2.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 11:15:56 pm by bobbtmann »


Offline Enioch

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Sigh. I'm in love with your UV mapping... :blah:

All joking aside, can you please post your UV coordinates and the texture you're using? I find it nigh-impossible to unwrap curved surfaces with panel-like textures, as the panels get distorted as hell.

Oh, and great model, of course. That goes without saying.
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)

Sigh. I'm in love with your UV mapping... :blah:

All joking aside, can you please post your UV coordinates and the texture you're using? I find it nigh-impossible to unwrap curved surfaces with panel-like textures, as the panels get distorted as hell.

Oh, and great model, of course. That goes without saying.

Here's my template:

[attachment deleted by a basterd]


Offline Enioch

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Thanks a lot!  :D

Studying now....
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)

And here's an update. Progress is at a glacial pace.


Offline chief1983

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But worth the wait!  Looking great :)
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Dragon

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That's an interesting take on this ship. It looks great.

Love it!  :) What's still left to do? It looks quite finished.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Does it include a HAL 9000?  :drevil:
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

Love it!  :) What's still left to do? It looks quite finished.

I'm just tinkering with the texture, then LOD's and debris.

A small update:


Offline swashmebuckle

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Looking great!  I dig all the aurebesh text.  I'm guessing you're aware of that one little lightened-looking rectangle on the front that look blurrier than the rest (or maybe I'm just misinterpreting something)?

Looking great!  I dig all the aurebesh text.  I'm guessing you're aware of that one little lightened-looking rectangle on the front that look blurrier than the rest (or maybe I'm just misinterpreting something)?

Nope, I am not aware of it. Where is it?


Offline Enioch

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Right there, I think, is what swashmebuckle means

[attachment deleted by a ninja]
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)

That's just a little background variation. The whole hull is covered in box-shapes, it's just that you can only see that one for some reason. Angle of incidence, I suppose.


Offline LordMelvin

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The problem is more that the inset panel is being altered by the lighter square than that the lighter square is the only such visible. The darker brown panel with the vertical line through it appears to be inset from the surrounding hull, except for the section within the area of the lighter rectangle. The visual effect breaks up the apparent line of the hull at that point.
Error: ls.rnd.sig.txt not found

Oh, I see what you're saying. That's kind of weird. I'll look into it.


Offline mandobardanjusik

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ok grey now I want to send the scimitar your way, though catching bobb is harder than you may think, you may find mine a tad bit easier, as it is already symmetried, I did most welding, and the only unseen facaces are part of seen faces.