Author Topic: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)  (Read 2593 times)

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Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Had a rather fun idea for a campaign, and I think it'll work, but I'd love some feedback on where people would like me to go with it.

Inspired by the original "Hard Luck" Merc unit from Battletech, (Wilson's Hussars) I was thinking it would be a LOT of fun to play the Phoenix rise of a unit from nothing to something, once again.  It's set pre-WOB jihad, roughly about a year or so after Tukayyid, in the region of space that at the time was known as the "New Colony Region" but later became the Fronc Reaches.

You won't control the WHOLE unit, just the "1st Company" of it.  The only one you've been reduced to after decades of fighting.

In fact, it's not even really a company.  It's a Lance.  With four capable mechs... if you count the limping one.

Starting out you'll have a few missions that you cannot, realistically, win.  However, the objectives won't be to win, rather to survive and repair your mechs.  (Thinking in mission 2 having a repair truck show up... a BADLY damaged one that is still a godsend for such a unit.)

Depending on what I can end up doing with the campaign editor, I want to ideally have "Branching" missions, detailing whether the unit decides eventually to go full on Rogue, or make the hard choice to win against the odds.

Salvage will be vital, and selling destroyed mechs for parts will be one of the only ways you can keep your unit fighting.  Ideally, this campaign will have almost NO clan-tech, and the pieces that you do get will be treasured.  (The enemy should also be limited to IS tech for the most part)  (Of course, I also want to have that little incident with a Dark Pirate raid...)

Right now, working on one of the "Evil" path missions, where your unit holds a small colony hostage, executing a "Smash and Grab" before the Colonial Marshals show up...

Any thoughts about this?  What people would like to see or where it is going to go?  (Right now have the "Campaign Outline" done, and can post that if people want to see the branching Ideas.)


Offline Karl

  • 211
Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Awesome, I would really like to see a new campaign created by the community, all I can really say is do it your way, you seem to have the requisite knowledge of BT to create something "realistic" and hopefully not a heavy/assault mech slugfest. Start with your land geography then move to unit placement. The hardest part is abl scripting but when you get there leave a message and I will try to help you. Also if you want to do something "interesting" with the terrain textures let me know there are ways not of getting the ground textures you want.

Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Ok... that's one positive.  ;)

So here's the first part of the "Outline" with a few notes on the direction the campaign will go.  It has slightly more choice than the Carver V campaign.  (Which is to say, One major choice which affects the rest of the campaign. Want to add more, but too much complexity would ruin the idea)

If anybody has other ideas feel free to add, but keep in mind I'm trying to keep this as "Lore Friendly" as possible, with ONE major exception which will be marked.)

Your unit is the 1st Eltanin Recon, a former Draconis Combine unit that was Mauled by Clan forces during the invasion.  All you have left are 2 Jenners, a Wasp and a damaged Assassin (1 leg damaged). 

Mission 1:  Get to Da Choppa!

Dateline: 3055.   The Clan invasion is in full swing.  Your unit has been assigned to stop a unit from Clan Wolf.  As commander of the last lance of the last company, you realize that you're outclassed and outnumbered.  The Draconis Combine does not tolerate failure, and most likely they've already written you off as dead.  You however, have no intention of lying down and dying on a suicide mission.

There's a rumour that a dropship captain feels fairly similarly about the situation.  If you can just get there...

Mission:  Get past clan patrols and get to the dropship within the alloted time.  Although the battle is over, the occupation force is still scouting around.  Approaching the Spaceport by the most direct path will get you slaughtered, and you're saddled with an already busted mech.  The mission should be challenging, but completely possible, provided that you fight smart.   After all, even the nastiest Clan Scout mech is just ONE mech, and you have 4...

Mission 2:  Marooned.

Dateline: 3056.  Well, you were written off as dead.  You've seen the reports and your unit was announced KIA.  In addition, your dropship captain has taken advantage of his apparent death to find a new employer.  Unfortunately, the employer had NO interest whatsoever in a mauled Recon lance.  Which is why you're on this rock in the middle of nowhere.  Right on the edge of the periphery.  With a local governor who has decided that your mechs are HIS property.

Mission:  Repair your mechs and raise enough money to get the hell off this rock.  This is a large map with many opportunities to get c-bills.  There are easy ways, which are to just capture buildings, but that raises the ire of the locals, who send armor after you...  There are also harder ways, like dealing with small problems for the locals, etc...  Whatever you do, you need to do it quick, before the governor decides to send his lance of medium/heavy mechs after you to force the issue of your turning over your mechs to the local force. 

Mission 3: A fistful of C-bills.

Dateline: 3057.  Well, the pickings have been slim, but hey!  You're officially a Merc unit now.  How did that happen?  A little work, and a few small favors.  You're all set and ready to begin actually fighting.  Now that your mechs have been repaired, you need to start looking for a contract.  Just then, there's an announcement that a small bandit raid is occurring on the VERY planet that you're on now.  But the question is, do you want to help the locals?  Or yourself?

Mission:  You're in a podunk town and it's being attacked by a light lance of bandits.  At this point is the main decision for the mechwarriors.  Do they fight off the bandits, and take the small reward from the populace, securing their future as a merc company or do they fight off the bandits, take their mechs, then rob the populace, choosing to go pirate.

And there's the first three missions.  Will do the rest later, but I need to deal with my kids right now.  :)


Offline magic

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Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Very nice idea. When you start working on your missions please post here and we will help the best we can.

Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Eeergh... Got halfway through editing terrain and unit setup for mission 1 and the damn editor crashed when I tried to save... AAAARRGH!  Oh well, on to finish the Merc Part of the write up.

(Merc Path)

Mission 4 : The Long Patrol

Dateline: 3057  Well, it happened, your first contract with the Magistry of Canopus!  Yeah, it's garrison duty, and yeah, the pay is lousy.  Course, they gave you full salvage rights... not that it'll do much good here on the border of unsettled space...

Mission:  Another day, another standard patrol... Wait a second... there's not supposed to be Armor here...  Explore your patrol route and try to figure out what the hell hostiles are doing here.

Mission 5: The Seven Mechwarriors

Dateline: 3057 The odds of the Marian Hegemony attacking a random planet in force were at least a Thousand to One.  And this would be the One.

Mission:  It's a recon raid from a Marian Hegemony Legion!  Mostly Armor, but they're tossing at least 2 Recon Lances at you.  Fortunately for you, the local Militia isn't the worst in the universe.  Using divide and conquer tactics are the way to win this one, and don't forget your Militia! 

Mission 6:  The Mechwarriors Strike Back.

Dateline 3057  The good news is that you struck back and defeated their vanguard.  The downside is that while you were doing that, the Main MOC force was ambushed and defeated half a continent away.  Now The Hegemony can bring forces in at their leisure to pacify the planet.

Mission: Cripple the spaceport.  Although the Marian Forces can land in dropships, they don't have assets to spare.  If you can make their lives miserable when they try to land, they might decide that the planet isn't worth it, and go elsewhere.   In addition, you need to take the opportunity to get to the local Comstar official and get a message to MOC command requesting reinforcement.

Mission 7: Safe Landing

Dateline 3057  Reinforcements are on the way!  That's the good news.  The bad news is that the selected landing zone is in the hands of the Hegemony.  Seeing as it's the only good area within striking distance of the Capitol, you should have expected this.

Mission:  Take the area until reinforcements arrive.  Once they arrive, link up and push back the Marians until the entire force is safely down.

Mission 8:  Clay Pigeons

Dateline 3057:  Your reinforcements have renegotiated your contract.  Higher pay, plus a substantial bonus for your service.   And you Keep salvage rights!  Something to be said for negotiating under fire.  The downside is that the commander has a special mission for your lances...

Mission:  Draw out the Main body of the Marian force, so your reinforcements can flank and destroy them.  High pay, but a dangerous mission as the bulk of the forces on planet will be thrown at you. You don't need to destroy them all, but rather draw them into positions where your allies can attack them.

Mission 9:  Serendipity

Dateline 3058:  Happy new year.   The Marians are routing, and pulling off planet.  However, there's the little matter of a damaged dropship that hasn't left yet.  MOC command has already let you go from your assignment, but you're awaiting transport.  Taking that would ensure that you are no longer sitting onplanet while you wait for your employer to transport you...

Mission:  Objective raid against the last MH forces.  Losing a dropship is a severe blow to any force, even a major bandit kingdom like the MH.  Taking the Union will allow you a better position in negotiating future contracts...

Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Ok, 4th time editor has crashed when I tried to save.

Sigh.  Gonna have to put this on hold until I can actually get it to save...  tried running in admin mode,  Compatibility, AND with themes disabled.

If anybody has a tip to get the thing to save WIP, lemme know.


Offline cowboy

  • 26
Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
I'd look at what textures, etc. you're using. I'm imagining that there is an incompatibility between the files used in your level and the format that the editor is designed to save to.


Offline Karl

  • 211
Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Does it crash every time you save?

Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Four times so far.  Trying various remedies, such as setting my non-unicode to USA.  (I play a lot of Japanese Import games) running in various modes, etc.

Every time it crashes.  I'll try again tomorrow and post the error message.


Offline Karl

  • 211
Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
I thought that Magic got rid of the xna dependency but try installing xna run time files from here

has previously sorted this type of problem...

need to get you over the line man because I am digging the story line!

Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Ok... installed the XNA files, will see if that works later.

For right now, I'm gonna add some more to the plotline and planned missions:

(Pirate Path)

Mission 4. You Talkin to Me?

Dateline 3057:  Well, it's nice to be the big dog in town.  Everything you want, and if anybody says boo, you get to level a laser at them.  Seems like the good times are only gonna get better.

Mission:  Continue your reign of terror over the small colony.  Secure your position, wipe out the last of the militia and take the place for everything they've got!  True, you can't spend much here, but when you get off this rock, you'll be living like kings!

Mission 5:  Wanted: Dead or Alive

Dateline 3057:  Severe Breach of Faith?  You didn't even HAVE a contract with this town!  Piracy?  Oh, come on, it's not like the locals were gonna need that stuff!  Murder, Crimes against Humanity?  Well, if you hadn't destroyed that HPG relay they would have called for HELP, dammit.  Impersonating a Primus of the Order of Comstar?  Ok, Psycho, what the hell?

Mission:  The first of the bounty hunters are coming to get you.  Unfortunately, you still don't have transport off planet, so you're gonna have to fight.  Should be a fairly easy mission, you hope, since you've impressed some of the locals to take the first wave of attackers.  Unfortunately, they're not particularly loyal, so unless you keep your mechs close they might just help your enemies...

Mission 6:  Blaze of Glory

Dateline 3057:  Ok, they're getting serious now.  Looks like a heavy and assault lance just landed, looking for a group with your colors.   Not good.  However, they're attacking in force, and left their transport unguarded... seems to you it might be a good time to leave.

Mission:  Get the hell off the rock.  You've got a lot of c-bills, and the Dropship captain of the bounty hunters seems a little familiar.  Time to find out if his loyalties to this new group are as shaky as they were to yours...

Mission 7: Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate's life for me.

Dateline 3057:  Orbit with the only dropship in the system is better than on the planet with nothin... problem is that you have no Jumpship.  Well, time to solve that little problem.   You do have a plan for that, right?

Mission:  Send some false orders through the main HPG on the outlying planet.  Course you're fighting some Com Guard mechs now, but that's just the part of doing business.   Once the Commies are taken care of, prep an ambush for the Jumpship crew.   Ok, WHOSE Idea was it to impersonate an Magistry of Canopus Pleasure Circus?

Mission 8:  Lay low

Dateline 3058:  Ok, now you've got everything, time to stay off the radar while you do a little shopping on Astrokazy.   Plenty of C-bills and salvage to take care of business, just don't let on that YOU are that particular unit which...  oh crap, who leaked the footage!

Mission:  You've just completed refits when your identity is leaked.  Although you are one of the best armed units on the planet at this point, you're up against... uh... everybody.  Time to execute a Retrograde advance.  (Translation RUN LIKE HELL!)

Mission 9:  The Hand Off

Dateline 3058:  You're making friends now.  Not the Best of friends, but at least people you can trust.  Meeting on this little airless rock was supposed to go smooth.  WHAT THE HELL is the Dark Caste doing here, Halfway across the damn galaxy from the Clan Occupation zone?

Mission:  A small stand up fight against a star of clan mechs and one Nova.  You're not the only ones fighting them, fortunately, and this should help you secure your future with the local Pirate gangs...  And Clan salvage won't hurt...


Offline cowboy

  • 26
Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Sounds like someone read Double-Blind


Offline magic

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Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
No I could not get read of xna, it is definitely must (for the editor only).


Offline Karl

  • 211
Re: Playing with the editor... (Working on Campaign.)
Sweet hope this solves you problem then 'mechworks just install XNA