Author Topic: Big Thanks to the Diaspora Team  (Read 1640 times)

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Big Thanks to the Diaspora Team
Hi Guys

I would just like to take this chance to personally thank you all for creating Diaspora.  I am an old-time lurker, who was around for the days of the BtRL release.  I would like to say that BtRL was the best game I'd played in multiplayer, for the short duration when other people were playing,  - because I could think outside the box for strategies to kill other Raiders / Vipers, and would OWN any multiplayer game  I played. 

I have yet to play Diaspora Multiplayer - still working out how to do it.  However, I have started playing the Single-player campaign.  I must say - FRACKING WOW!!!!  It exceeds my expectations - You actually feel like you are on the run from a relentless force trying to destroy you!  The 'desperate' feeling of BSG is conveyed very well in the dialogue, mission design,and pre and post mission briefings.  I am only up to the mission where the Theseus recieves the call from the Galactica to rendezvous at Ragnar (I have yet to conquer this mission) but already am thoroughly enjoying it!

Some things so far that have surprised me, and gone past my expectations:
a) The fact that not all comm traffic is 'easily heard', and that interference / jamming plays into it
b) When a nuke goes off - all the interference with the ships' systems & comms - Just did not expect that to be incorporated, and it adds another level of realism
c) the ability of the Raptor to kick ass - its rapid fire guns make Cylon Raiders explode within a second of getting them in your targeting reticle
d) launches & landings from Battlestars
e) the Mission Design - The Theseus running out of fuel - totally believable, totally realistic, and totally a pain in the ass for all involved.  When Playing the mission I was sitting there going 'all these people / pilots are dieing just for some fuel - it's a bit of a waste - but totally what could, and would be expecte to, happen in a realistic scenario
f) similar to BtRL - fracking glide mode - fracking awesome!!!!
g) you actually have objectives where you have to chase down incoming missiles!  Hell yeah... secondly, you can acutally hit glide mode and shoot down incoming missiles from Cylon raiders
h) AI design and missiles - lack of missiles is good!  BtRL had too many inter-fighter missiles which just detracted from the feeling of BSG - as there were barely any missiles carried by Colonial fighters.  Multiplayer ended up being a dogfight with missiles until everyone expended them and then it got to the gunfight.  The hard missions for singleplayer ended up with 10mins of dodging missiles from Cylon Raiders!  This is missing from Diaspora - which is awesome!
Secondly - in BtRL the gunfights (single player & multiplayer) ended up being just a 'run at them, shoot, turn, run at them, shoot' etc.  This does not occur for Diaspora
I) graphics - the renderings of each of the Colonies that the fleet is above look supoerb.  Only downside is that when they're saying 'the planet is burning' is that you can not see the detonations on the planet - but I imagine that this would be hard to do in Freespace... and I only had 2 seconds to look before I had to turn and shoot cylons out of the sky!!!

All in all - a damn impressive game!  I'm not really a gamer - only play 2 -3 games per year.  I went out and got Battlefield 3 today, first time getting a Battlefield game etc., and have not even Installed or Played it yet because I'm playing Diaspora.  Even taking the time to write this post is taking away from Diaspora playing time! 
Keep up the good work!  Fracking Awesome!


Re: Big Thanks to the Diaspora Team
Only downside is that when they're saying 'the planet is burning' is that you can not see the detonations on the planet - but I imagine that this would be hard to do in Freespace... and I only had 2 seconds to look before I had to turn and shoot cylons out of the sky!!!

Actually there are detonations on the planet. It shocked me when I first saw them, usually I'm fixated on shooting down raiders. You can see them in this video MetalDestroyer77 made...

M05: Desperation.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.


Offline Echelon9

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Re: Big Thanks to the Diaspora Team
Thanks for the feedback - from a fellow Aussie.