Author Topic: Starshatter crashes on launch!  (Read 3704 times)

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Starshatter crashes on launch!
Alright, forums,

I've seen this bug pop up a couple of times on the internet but I've never seen a conclusive solution to it.

Here's the error log:

*** NaturalPoint Game Client Initialization ***
NPClient - Unable to initialize interface: NaturalPoint DLL not found
Loading System Designs 'sys.def'
Loading Weapon Designs 'wep.def'


EAX:    00000040
EBX:    00000000
ECX:    00000040
EDX:    00000000
EDI:    00000040
ESI:    03060258
EBP:    0035f270

CS:EIP: 0023:0111681f
SS:ESP: 002b:0035f260
DS:     002b
ES:     002b
FS:     0053
GS:     002b
Flags:  00010202

Exception Code:  c0000094 INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
Exception Addr:  0111681f


Stack Trace (Symbolic):
Address   Frame
0111681f  0035f270  0001:0016581F C:\Games\Starshatter The Gathering Storm\Starshatter.exe
010f1620  0035f3a0  0001:00140620 C:\Games\Starshatter The Gathering Storm\Starshatter.exe
010ec63c  0035f584  0001:0013B63C C:\Games\Starshatter The Gathering Storm\Starshatter.exe
010ead30  0035f5cc  0001:00139D30 C:\Games\Starshatter The Gathering Storm\Starshatter.exe
0110de42  0035f5f0  0001:0015CE42 C:\Games\Starshatter The Gathering Storm\Starshatter.exe
010c049f  0035f610  0001:0010F49F C:\Games\Starshatter The Gathering Storm\Starshatter.exe
01026660  0035f7f4  0001:00075660 C:\Games\Starshatter The Gathering Storm\Starshatter.exe
01157535  0035f884  0001:001A6535 C:\Games\Starshatter The Gathering Storm\Starshatter.exe
76cd3677  0035f890  BaseThreadInitThunk                      [0012]
77359d42  0035f8d0  RtlInitializeExceptionChain              [0063]
77359d15  0035f8e8  RtlInitializeExceptionChain              [0036]


Anybody have any idea what to do?


Offline Lucan

  • 23
Re: Starshatter crashes on launch!
Judging by the error message, it looks like you are trying to use track IR.  If that is the case then I would recommend disabling the track IR before launching Starshatter. 

Good luck.

Re: Starshatter crashes on launch!
I actually have absolutely no idea why TrackIR is enabled by default but I also have absolutely no idea how to turn it off. Would you happen to know how I could go about doing that? Thanks!


Offline Lucan

  • 23
Re: Starshatter crashes on launch!
First question is; are you using Natural Point Track IR?  If so then there should be an options panel somewhere in the programs list.  The following link may be helpful as well (assuming you are using track IR).

Another method would be to kill the app from the startup window.  To to this, hit CTRL+ALT+DEL then click on the "processes" tab.  Once there, just try to find the startup file that pertains to the track IR program then click on 'End Process' in the lower right of the window.  I've never used the program so I'm not sure what the exact name is of the startup file.  However, identifying the file shouldn't be too much of a problem as it probably has a name that pertains to the brand (Natural Point or Track IR itself). 

I hope that information helps.