Author Topic: Thought  (Read 1651 times)

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Offline DragonClaw

  • Romeo Kilo India Foxtrot
  • 210
Sorry if this has already been posted somewhere...

Is it possible to add code into the engine to allow certain areas of a ship to take a certain % of total damage?
Like if you hit an armoured turret, it would do 30% total damage, a soft spot-120% damage... or something like that. Each hit would affect the hull at a different rate.
To designate the certain areas, I'm thinking of naming a certain part of a ship something... like you'd name the turret "turret01" in truespace.

If this was possible it would be a great addition to the engine, I think.

I realize this would only work on future modded ships unless someone edits every single FS ship...


Offline Bobboau

  • Just a MODern kinda guy
    Just MODerately cool
    And MODest too
  • 213
this is one of the things I'd like to do, but so far the only thing I have been able to do in a fairly stable fashon is the glow points
Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
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